Year 3, #10

Saturday 22 May 2004
Laweyan, Solo

Dear Friends,

Last night we had the 10th klenengan of the 3rd fiscal year of the North-American-sponsored klenengan. It started at 8:00 pm and ended at 2:00 am. We’ll have one more klenengan in this “fiscal” year—the June klenengan—and then will be starting our 4th fiscal year running this event! (Remember, if we take the fasting month off, which we sometimes do, depending on the situation, and did this year, we only have 11 klenengan in the year.)

Please be thinking about renewing your subscription, and we’ll be sending out a confirmation letter, with budget information, within the month. Thanks for your support!

This one was comparatively lightly attended, as there were many other events going on, but quite enjoyable and interesting musically. Bp. Purba Asmara was doing a wayang in Wonogiri, hence Ibu Yatmi, Bp. Raji, and Bp. Narto couldn’t attend. A few musicians are still performing in Europe with Bp. Panggah (Ibu Kesi, Bp. Darsono “cilik”), and there was an event in the Makam Haji area hence Bp. Joko Sabar, Ibu Warti and a few others were absent. Bp. Anom Soeroto was probably also performing, as Ibu Dewi/Bp. Wito and Ibu Harjutri/Bp. Budi weren’t there, and Bp. Pardi was out of the country.

Ibu Tukinem is still recovering and not ready to go out late at night. Mas Wakidi and I went to see Ibu Tarini in the afternoon and she is still very weak and recovering from a histerectomy, so she wasn’t able to come.

Nonetheless, it was a lively event. Bp. Dalimin had set, last month, a number of pieces he really wanted to do, and Bp. Wakidi brought notation for Jangkung Kuning Mataraman—something we’d been using a lot in Jakarta.

Acara Gendhing

  1. Gd. Bn. Gondrong kt 4 arang mg 8, pl 7

    Kd: Yadi
    Bn: Dalimin

  2. Gd. Bedhaya kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj. Ldr. Sobrang (bedhayan), pl 7, pt wantah

    Rb: Wahyo
    Gd: Karno
    Kd: Yadi
    Gb: Ngasinah
    Bn: Dalimin

  3. Gd. Lagu kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj. Ldr. Lagu, pt manyura ageng, sl. manyura

    Rb: Wahyo
    Gd: Kamso
    Kd: Yadi
    Gb: Ngasinah
    Bn: Mardi

  4. Gd. Siyem kt 2 kr mg Ldr. Siyem, pl 7 pt jugag

    Rb: Saptono
    Gd: Karno
    Kd Gd: Yadi
    Gb: Wakiyo
    Bn: Dalimin

  5. Gd. Sedhet kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj. Ldr. Gonjang Seret, sl manyura, pt jugag

    (Menyan Kobar, sl manyura)

    Rb: Saptono
    Gd: Kamso
    Kd Gd: Yadi
    Ciblon: Wakidjo
    Gb: Ngasinah
    Bn: Mardi

  6. Pt pl 6 jugag Bawa (Hartono/RRI) dwh Ketw Gd Sumedhang kt 2 kr mg Ldr Lala Grantung ktp Ktw. Lala Basuki pt jugag

    Rb: Saptono
    Gd: Karno
    Kd Gd: Yadi
    Ciblon: Wakidjo
    Gb: Wakiyo
    Bn: Dalimin

    All the above pieces were requested by Bp. Dalimin, and agreed upon a month ahead in discussions with Bp. Wahyo and Bp. Yadi.

  7. Jineman Uler Kambang (Munirah), sl 9
    Jineman Glathik Glindhing (Ratmi), sl 9
    Jineman Klambi Lurik (Dwi), sl 9

    Kd: Mujiono
    Gd: Kamso
    Gb: Wakiyo

  8. Lagu Tanjung Anom (kendhangan/irama in time)
    Bawa Pangkur (Yasa) dwh Langgam Tamansari (Mulyani), pl 6

    Kd: Kuat
    Gd : Karno
    Gb: Wakiyo

  9. Gd. Jangkung Kuning Mataraman kt 2 kr mg 4 kr selingi kebar Arum-Arum, pl 7

    Rb: Yadi
    Gd: Legiyo
    Kd: Wakidi
    Gb: Sutat
    Bn: Mardi

  10. Pt sl manyura, Gd Kuwung-Kuwung kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr Sri Biwadha dados lagu Gondhang Gandhung

    (a suite normally done in pl 7—doing Kuwung2 in slendro was one thing, but the rest of the suite took everyone by surprise!)

    rb: Yadi
    Gd: Legiyo
    Gb: Sutat
    Kd gd: Wakidi
    Ciblon: Kamso

  11. Ayak-ayakan

Musicians Attending

  • Rebab: Wahyo, Saptono, Yadi
  • Gender: Kamso, Karno, Legiyo, Cipt-Ngasinah
  • Kendhang: Yadi, Wakidjo, Wakidi, Kamso, Mujiono, Kuat
  • Gambang: Wakiyo, Cipt-Ngasinah, Sutat
  • Sindhen: Dharti, Parni, Mulyani, Tugini, Munirah, Ratmi, Dwi
  • Gerong: Panut, Yoso, Tugimin, Hartono/RRI, Jumiko
  • Bonang: Dalimin, Mardi, Sagimin
  • Gender Penerus: Kuat
  • Siter: Pahang
  • Suling: Tarno
  • Bonang Penerus: Rajiman
  • Slenthem: Ripto
  • Peking: Sutat, Warjinah
  • Gong: Ali, Prapto, Legiyo
  • Kenong: Sarsidi
  • Kethuk: Mudjiono
  • Balungan: Ngahono, Ngatno, Prapto, Warjino, Wiyono, Tulus, Pahang, Rajimin,
  • Harto “Jagalan”, Marman, Joko Tipes, Slamet Widodo, Mayar


  • Kaoru, Japan
  • Hanae, Japan/Indonesia
  • Ayako, Japan
  • Kaori, Japan/USA
  • Katherine, England
  • Mulyadi/Lojiwetan
  • Lukman
  • Salim


We spent Rp.4,740,000 or $532 ($1 = Rp. 8900 at the banks).

Report written by Kitsie Emerson