Klenengan Pujangga Laras is a monthly gathering of Javanese gamelan musicians in Surakarta, Central Java.
Started in July 2001, this klenengan was originally sponsored by members of the North American gamelan community and is now supported internationally. More than 35 gamelan enthusiasts sponsor 11 events a year, attended by 50-60 musicians.
The purposes of the klenengan are:
- To thank our Javanese teachers for everything they have given us.
- To allow musicians from all different alliances, young and old, to gather together.
- To provide an open opportunity to play, which the participants themselves shape.
- To document karawitan in its present form.
- To add one more classical event to the Solo calendar, so dominated now by campursari, dangdut, karaoke, Sragenan, and Western pop music.
The funding model is one of subscription. Supporters are encouraged to give US$400 per year (which comes to about $35 per klenengan). Lesser amounts are of course welcome, as well as one time donations, but the financial sustainibility of the klenengan relies on a core of regular contributions at the recommended amount.
As a perk, subscribers can access or receive audio documentation and private links to live streaming video, which are available even after the event.
Read more about becoming a supporter of Klenengan Pujangga Laras.
To learn more about the klenengan, read about its characteristics and costs, or browse the archive of reports.
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