Year 3, #2

Sunday, 17 August 2003
Laweyan, Solo

Dear Friends,

Last night we had the second klenengan of the THIRD year running of our north-American sponsored event in Solo.

Thanks so much to those of you who have sent in your yearly contribution! You should have received an e-mail confirmation by now, so let us know if you’ve sent something in and haven’t received word back from us. Thanks again—and send in your contribution soon if you haven’t!

The klenengan last night was particularly special because our very own Bp. Harjito was able to attend from the USA! He and Ibu Deni and family have been in town this month, back and forth Solo-Jakarta. Everyone seemed thrilled to see them and have a chance to catch up. The musicians had planned to do 3 of Pak Harjito’s own gendhing, which are in the tradition of Solo. Once they got going with those 3 though, they continued through the notation books they had, and played for the rest of the night from his book of gendhing! Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and it was quite lively.

We had another musician last night who was in attendance for the first time—Bp. Saguh from Delanggu. Pak Saguh is an accomplished and respected musician on every instrument, and is a dhalang as well, but became particularly well-known in his days as a gerong singer for Ki Nartosabdo. He is an excellent gender player, and currently plays for Ki Purba Asmara, as well as running his own very active group. His son is the talented young musician referred to in these reports as Darsono “cilik”, who has attended the klenengan on many occasions.

Yet another new musician who was in attendance and plans to be a regular—Bp. Karno (recently given the title “Tumenggung Pandiyo”) from the Kraton. He often plays kendhang at the Kraton, particularly for gd bedhayan, and is blind—many may have seen him there over the years. He seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself and was listening intensely the whole evening, and playing gambang for a portion.

Another very nice addition to the klenengan were 2 musicians from Yogya—Bp. Purwanto and Bp. Trisna. These musicians often play at Bp. Cakra’s wetonan and were always regulars at Bp. Hardi’s rehearsals in the 90’s. We recently ran into them in Yogya and told them about Laweyan and they showed up last night all the way from Yogya, with Bp. Purwanto playing a good deal of bonang!

Acara Gendhing

(Bp. Wahyo had planned the first 2 gendhing.)

  1. Gd. Gendreh kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj. Ldr Biwada Praja, pl 7 pt wantah

    Rb: Wahyo
    Gd: Karno
    Kd: Yadi
    Penunthung: Kamso
    Gb: Joko “Tipes”
    Bn: Dalimin

  2. Gd. Talimurda kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj Ldr. Lagu, sl manyura, pt manyura ageng

    Rb: Wahyo
    Gd: Kamso
    Kd: Yadi
    Pn: Wakidjo
    Gb: Karman
    Bn: Dalimin

  3. Gd. Manganti kt 4 kr mg 8 (disabet) pl 6

    (gd by Bp. Harjito)

    Rb: Harjito
    Gd: Kamso
    Kd: Yadi
    Pn: Wakidjo
    Bn: Karman

  4. Pt sl 9 wantah Bawa (Yasa) Musthikengrat, Gd. Mijil Laras kt 2 kr mg Ldr. (cakepan Mijil, melody “mijil larasati”) sw Pt. Jingking dados Ayak-ayakan Mijil Larasati mawi palaran Mijil (Tugini), Dhandhanggula (Saguh), Sinom (Hartono/RRI)-Srepegan Mataraman
    (Gd. and mg ldr by Bp. Harjito)

    Rb: Harjito
    Kd: Yadi
    cib: Wakidjo
    gender: Kamso
    gb: Priyo
    bn: Purwanto/Yogya

    (It was Bp. Yadi’s idea to take the lagu mijil larasati idea in Pak Harjito’s gendhing and go to Ayak-ayakan larasati instead of regular ayak and then Bu Tugini’s idea to start with palaran Mijil—you could see the idea spark and transfer from one musician to another—they were having a good time playing with it)

  5. pt pl 6 jugag Bawa (Panut) dwh Gd. Kalaras kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr. Semang
    (gd and mg by Bp. Harjito)

    Rb: Yadi
    Gd: Saguh
    Kd: Wakidjo
    Cib: Wakidi
    Gb: Karman
    Bn: Dalimin

  6. Gd. Sendhana kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr. Gonjang Ganjing Liktho
    (gd and mg by Bp. Harjito)

    Rb: Yadi
    Gd: Harjito
    Kd: Wakidjo
    Cib: Wakidi
    Gb: Karno “Kraton”
    Bn: Purwanto/Yogya


    Mas Raji suggested the musicians do a mulyararas to commemorate Independence Day, but the other musicians suggested instead to commemorate the 40th day after Bp. Sardiman’s passing away. (40 days after a death, as well as 7, 100 and 1000, are important landmarks here.)

    (They didn’t do a mulyararas in the end, in the sense that they didn’t turn off the lights and the singers joined in, but they did make an announcement so the purpose was clear.)

  7. Ketw. Dhandhanggula Tlutur (by Bp. Harjito) dados Ayak-ayakan Tlutur, sendhon tlutur, sl many

    Rb: Yadi
    Gd: Kamso
    Kd: Wakidjo
    Gb: Karno “Kraton”

  8. Jn Uler Kambang (Warti)
    Jn. Mari Kangen (Tarini)
    Jn. Glathik Glindhing (Ratmi)

    Kd: Wakidi
    Gd: Wakidjo
    Gb: Wakiyo

  9. Pt pl 7 jugag Bawa (Hartono/RRI) Dwh Gd. Gumelar kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr. Manis (gerong)
    (gd and mg by Bp. Harjito)
    Lgm Tak Ngenteni (Munirah)

    rb: Raji
    gd: Kamso
    kd: Wakidi
    bn: Sagimin
    gb: Karman

  10. Gd. Ngrenggani kt 2 kr mg Ldr Mirip dados Lancaran Mirip
    (by Bp. Harjito)
    Ayak-ayakan kaloran, sl manyura

    rb: Raji
    gd: Kamso
    kd: Wakidjo
    cib: Wakidi
    gb: ?
    bn: Purwanto/Yogya

Musicians Attending

  • Rebab: Wahyo, Harjito, Yadi, Raji
  • Gender: Kamso, Karno, Wakidjo,Harjito, Saguh
  • Kendhang: Yadi, Wakidjo, Wakidi
  • Sindhen: Tukinem, Mulyani, Parni, Tarini, Tugini, Munirah, Warti, Sumini, Ratmi
  • Gerong: Panut, Yasa, Widada, Tugimin
  • Gambang: Wakiyo, Karman, Karno “Kraton”, Joko “Tipes”
  • Gender Peerus: Pahang
  • Siter: Priyo, Joko Tipes
  • Suling: Tarno
  • Bonang: Dalimin, Sagimin, Mardi, Purwanto/Yogya
  • Bonang Penerus: Mardi, Rajiman
  • Gong: Prapto, Ali
  • Slenthem: Ripto, Karno
  • Kenong: Sarsidi
  • Ketuk: Mujiono
  • Peking: Wardjiah
  • Balung: Ngatno, Sutat, Pahang, Marman, Wiyono, Harta, Hartono, Raji, Trisna/Yogya, Tulus, Wardi “Kraton”, Sular


  • Ibu Deni, USA
  • Greg McCourt, USA
  • Andy McGraw, USA
  • Jessica Zike, USA
  • Ernie Zike, USA (Jessica’s dad)
  • Steve Laronga, USA
  • Nicole, USA
  • Kaoru, Japan
  • A dance student of Kaoru “Hawaii”
  • Akira, Japan
  • Niamh, Ireland
  • Kelly, Ireland
  • Clare, Ireland
  • Sophie, England
  • Thom, Australia
  • Suzanna, Hungary
  • Geza, Hungary
  • Mulyadi, Lojiwetan
  • A few Laweyan residents
  • A few STSI students
  • Wawan
  • Darsono “Jepang”


As with last month, there were over 30 musicians there and we spent Rp. 4,980,000 or $590 (Rp 8438 = $1). STSI was documenting again by videotaping for their library.

Report written by Kitsie Emerson, 18 August 2003