Year 9, #12
20 October 2010 On Wednesday, 20 October 2010 we had the LAST klenengan in the 9th fiscal year running. It took place at the home of Dr. Rahayu Supanggah in Benawa, Palur. Bp. Iyasa, penggerong RRI Surakarta, decided on the gendhing for the evening. Our new year TEN will begin with a klenengan at the home of Bp. Saguh in Delanggu, sometime in late November 2010. —Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta Acara GendhingLdr. Wilujeng, pl 5 Gd. Rarajala kt 2 arang mg kt 4 kalj. Ktw. Sang Hyang, pl 5
rb: Yadi Gd. Maskumambang kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj. Ldr. Kaki Tunggu Jagung (ir tanggung mawi “Tayungan Bima”—ir dados—ir wilet with gerongan, udar irama dadi, suwuk gropak), sl 6
rb: Yadi (After the suwuk gropak Bp. Wakidi, Bp. Wakidjo, and Bp. Yadi all called out for ada-ada in various ways/signs, but the gerong section were “ragu-ragu”—hesitant—and the gender player put down his tabuh and said the time of night “didn’t lend itself to ada-ada yet”, so it didn’t happen. To this DAY the 3 musicians mentioned above are bemoaning that it didn’t go on to a suite of palaran!) Gd. Lambangjiwa kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj. Ldr Anggara, pl nem
rb: Yadi (Different from the Lambangjiwa in pak Mloyo’s book, Bp. Iyasa got this from ISI—said it was something that Bp. Kamso had given him, and he said that the Mangkunegaran had done a siaran of it. I didn’t really have a chance to get the full story…) Gd. Daludag kt 4 arang mg kt 8 kalj. Candra Upa, sl 9
rb: Yadi Gd. Rujak Sentul kt 2 kr mg Ldr. Srundeng Gosong ktp Ktw Pocung mawi lagu Bancak Dhoyok: Kembang Nangka, Glathik Inceng-Inceng, Tanjung Gunung
rb: Yadi (dinner break) Gd. Larawudhu kt 2 kr mg Ldr Clunthang ktp. Ktw Sinom Parijatha dados Ayak rangkep mawi palaran Pangkur Paripurna (Parni), Dhandhanggula (Iyasa), Asmaradana (Yayuk Sri Rahayu) dados Srepeg Mataraman, irama rangkep (Pak Muji wanted to do Mudhatama, but the players came in confused after his buka and ended up settling on Larawudhu.)
rb: Mujiono Ldr. Jongkeri dados Ayak-ayak Mijil Larasati, pl 7
rb: Mujiono Musicians Attending
BudgetWe spent Rp. 7,570,000, or $870 (Rp.8,700= $1). |