Year 9, #9

19 July 2010
SMK Negeri 8, Kepatihan, Surakarta

On Monday afternoon, 19 July 2010 we had the ninth klenengan in the 9th fiscal year running. This was the first half of our “TENTH YEAR OPENING” celebration, which culminated in a klenengan later that evening as well. Although the tenth year has not quite yet started, we chose to have the celebration during the July month, as more foreigners who support the klenengan tend to be in town. Apologies to those who left before this day, or arrived afterwards—it was very difficult to schedule!

The afternoon and evening klenengan were both held in the pendhopo of “SMK Negeri 8” in Kepatihan, Solo, which used to be known as SMKI and before that Konservatori (“Konser”), and is basically Solo’s High School of the Performing Arts.

—Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta

Acara Gendhing

(Bp. Wito planned these gendhing to purposefully showcase pieces by Ki Nartosabdo which are rarely known, rarely performed, and rarely recorded.)

Gd. Bn. Gonjang Pati, sl manyura

Ldr. Gati Padhasih, pelog (at different times goes into all three: pl barang, pl lima, and pl nem)

Gd. Pringsedhapur kt 2 kr mg Ldr. Ludiramadu, pl 7, pt pl 7 jugag dados Ktw Sinom Asih Prana

Gd. Wangkawa kt 2 kr mg Ldr. Sawung Galing kalj Ktw Margiyuh, sl manyura

Gd. Pancatnyana, koor vokal, kt 2 kr mg Ldr ktp Ktw, pt jugag, pl 7

Ktw Sarwa Sarwi, sl manyura

Bawa Kusumaningrat dhawah Gd. Rakèt kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr. Pamudya ktp Ktw Mijil Pamudya, pl 7

Ldr. Wahyu dados Ktw Saraswati, sl manyura

Buka celuk Sinom Sapecak (Joko) dhawah Gd. Jangkung Kuning kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ktw Anggrèk dados Lancaran Jangkung Kuning, pl 7

Jn. Uler Kambang, sl 9 (Yayuk) dados Ldr. Lindur dados Lgm Aja Ngécé

Gd. Gènjong Guling kt 2 kr mg Ldr-Ktw, garap koor vokal, pl 6

Ldr. Sorèngrana dados lagon Sangkuriang (garap Lancaran seling Ketawang), sl 9

Lagu Kombang dados Ldr. Munggah Gunung, pl 6

Ktw Anglèng diseling Dhandhanggula Temantèn Anyar (Budi then Joko)

Ldr. Sampur Kuning, pl 6

Lagu Tatanya, sl manyura

Lelagon Si Céngkré, sl manyura

Ktw Gd Boyong kt 2 kr mg Ldr Retna Tumulung dados lancaran Nolah-Nolih, pl 7

(musicians stayed in the same position for the entire klenèngan)

Musicians Attending

  • Kendhang: Wito
  • Rebab: Gendhon
  • Gender: Muryana
  • Sindhen: Dewi, Harjutri, Yayuk “Triyagan”, and 2 sindhen from Klaten, unknown to anyone I asked, and Bp. Wito was too busy
  • Gerong: Budi, Hartono (Sajuri), Joko (guru vokal SMKI, sings for Ki Anom Soeroto)
  • Bonang: Warsita
  • Bonang Penerus: from Klathen
  • Gambang: Yadi “Jombor”/”ireng”
  • Gender Penerus: Teguh
  • Suling: Saguh
  • Gong: Mangun


  • John Gilbert, Canada
  • Miki Orita, Japan
  • Joe, UK
  • Jenny, UK
  • Dave, UK
  • Rachel Hand, UK
  • 2 French students
  • Kayo Kimura
  • Keiko Murakami
  • an entire group of Japanese players from Lambangsari, Tokyo
  • Ibu Sumili, Netherlands
  • Pak Hardi, Netherlands
  • Purbo Asmoro
  • Darsono “Jepang”
  • Jungkung Darmoyo
  • Suraji


We spent Rp 8,650,000 or $930 (Rp.9,300= $1), and gave a lump sum to Bapak Wito, who organized this afternoon session. The gendhing were completely planned by Bp. Wito, and he brought the musicians as well.