Year 9, #5
24 March 2010 On Wednesday night, 24 March 2010 we had the fifth klenengan in the 9th fiscal year running. This klenengan was held in Benawa, Palur, at the home of Dr. Rahayu Supanggah. The klenengan started at 8:15 and ran through to 2:00 am. Mas Wakidi had actually planned the gendhing so that we could have an evening of relatively basic and popular classics, but which had never been recorded by Pujangga Laras (like Sinom Longgor and Alas Padhang for example). However, at the last minute Bp. Raji asked permission for ISI students to play from 7-8 pm to practice for an exam, and when the elders took over I think they didn’t want to be seen by the ISI students playing only basic and popular pieces, so they changed mas Wakidi’s line up of pieces a bit towards the end with Miyanggong and Lomanis. We had a new sindhen tonight, Ibu Purwati, from Boyolali. She sings for Ki Purbo Asmoro—has been a long standing member of Mayangkara (his troupe)—and was invited by Ibu Yatmi to come along from Boyolali for the first time. Also a rare addition (although he has attended before) was Bp. Mulyanto from Gombang, Bp. Karno, alm’s son (Ki Mujoko Raharjo’s nephew). —Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta Acara GendhingGd. Sinom kt 4 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr. Longgor, pt onengan wantah, pl barang
rb: Yadi Ktw Gd Alas Padhang kt 2 kr mg Ldr Kandhamanyura (bedhayan), pt ageng, sl manyura
rb: Yadi Ktw Gd Sumedhang kt 2 kr mg Ldr Sidamukti (Nartosabdo), pt sanga jugag/pelog, pl nem
rb: Yadi Pt sanga wantah, Bawa (Hartono “RRI”) dhawah Gd Larawudhu kt 2 kr mg Ldr Sekar Ngenguwung kalj Ktw Sinom Wenikenya (biasa, rangkep, gandrungan) dados Srepeg Mataram mawi rambangan Pangkur (Sumini), Dhandhanggula (Hartono “Sajuri”), Durna (Ratni), pt jugag
rb: Yadi Gd Miyanggong kt 2 arang/kerep mg Ldr Wani-Wani, pt jugag, pl nem
rb: Yadi (a short speech by Bp. Panggah, commemorating the passing of Bp. Dalimin) MULYARARAS: Gd. Menyan Kobar kt 4 kr mg 8, pt ngelik, sl sanga
rb : Darsono Hadiraharjo (break for dinner) Ldr Pangkur Tanjung Gunung, pl barang
rb: Ngahana Gd Carang Gantung kt 2 kr mg Ldr Gonjing Miring, sl manyura
rb: Ngahana Ayak-ayakan Pamungkas, sl manyura Musicians Attending
(ISI students played Ktw Gd Karawitan, kt 4 kr mg Ldr, sl nem, and Gandrung Manis bedhayan but these are not in the recording, as I arrived late) Audience:
BudgetWe spent Rp. 8,8085, 000 or $898 (Rp. 9,000= $1). |