Year 7, #9

24 July 2008
Home of Bp. Rahayu Supanggah, Benawa, Palur

Dear Friends,

On 24 July 2008, we had the 9th klenengan in the 7th fiscal year running. It was held at the home of Dr. Rahayu Supanggah in Benawa. It started at about 8:00 pm and lasted until 2:30 am. As is normal, there will be 11 klenengan in the year, with no klenengan in the fasting month (October this year) so there are two more klenengan in this fiscal year.

The official organizer of gendhing this month was Pak Mujiono. Each month we are now appointing someone to organize the 2-3 gendhing that are planned. They choose the gendhing and organize the notation—or mas Wakidi organizes the notation if necessary. Beyond the 2-3 gendhing they organize, the rest of the gendhing are unplanned as usual.

The klenengan was extremely sedate in the beginning and then extremely lively and almost wild toward the end. The highlight by far was Pak Mujiono’s inspired version of the ciblonan for Ldr Mudhatama, which was clearly his pet piece for the evening, as organizer of the gendhing.

Pak Mujiono has a number of pieces in which he crafts the garap for the ciblon carefully, thinking about creative ways to work with the gerongan and andhegan that are different from typical treatment. (minggah) Kinanthi in wilet/rangkep is one example (whether coming from Lobong sl many, Bondhan pl 6, or Ludira Madu pl 7), and his inggah for Gambirsawit and Widosari other examples. His ciblonan for jineman are also in that category. Ldr Mudhatama was a new one to all present.

—Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta

Acara Gendhing

  • Ldr Balabak (Solo), pl 5 (Mujiono’s choice)

    rb: Mujiono
    gd: Muryana
    kd: Yadi
    bn: Mardi
    gb: Narto

    listen to audio

  • Gd Bn Dhenggung Asmaradana kt 4 kr mg kt 8, pl 5 (Mujiono’s choice)

    kd: Yadi
    bn: Mardi

    listen to audio

  • Gd Somantara kt 4 arang mg 8, pt Lasem, sl 6

    (normally a gd bn, Pak Mujiono planned it as a gd rebab)

    rb: Wahyo
    gd: Muryana
    kd: Yadi
    bn: Mardi
    gb: Wakiyo

    listen to audio

  • Gd. Sawunggaling kt 2 kr mg 4 dados Kemuda Kapirekta, pt ngelik , pl 5

    (Mujiono’s choice)

    rb: Wahyo
    gd: Muryana
    kd: Yadi
    ciblon: Wakidjo
    bn: Mardi

    listen to audio

  • Gd Lobaningrat kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj. Ldr Sobrang, pt Kedhu

    (gd chosen by rb player spontaneously)

    rb: Wahyo
    gd: Wito
    kd: Yadi
    ciblon: Wakidjo
    bn: Mardi

    listen to audio

  • pt pl 6 jugag Bawa Pusparaga (Panut) dhawah Gd. Kembang Widara kt 2 kr mg Cangklek ktmp Ktw Sinom Wenigonjing dados Srepegan mawi dolanan Mentog2, Kupu Kuwi, Pendhisil, pt nyamat jugag

    (gd chosen by rb player spontaneously)

    rb: Raji
    gd: Wito
    kd: Wakidjo
    bn: Mardi
    gb: Sutat

    listen to audio

    (break for dinner)

  • pt sl 9 wantah

    Jn. Uler Kambang, sl 9 (Yayuk)

    Jn Mari Kangen, sl 9 (Parni)

    Ktw Mijil Kethoprak, sl 9 (Yatmi)

    Ktw Pocung Kethoprak, sl 9 (Narti)

    listen to audio

  • Gd. Mudhatama kt 2 kr mg Ldr dados Ayak-ayakan, suwuk, pt manyura wantah

    (Mujiono’s choice)

    rb: Raji
    kd gd: Wakidjo
    ciblon: Mujiono
    gb: Wakiyo
    bn: Mardi

    listen to audio

  • Gd Randhanunut kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ktw Branta Mentul, sl manyura

    listen to audio

  • Ldr Jongkeri, pl 7

    Ayak-ayakan Pamungkas, pl 7

    rb: Ngahana
    gd: Kamso
    kd: Wakidi
    bn: Mardi

    listen to audio

Musicians Attending

  • Kendhang: Wakidjo, Wakidi, Mujiono
  • Rebab: Mujiono, Wahyo, Raji, Ngahana
  • Gender: Muryono, Wito, Kamso
  • Sindhen: Yatmi, Parni, Yayuk “Triyagan”, Tugini, Narti, Dewi, Keni, Warti, Sumini, Warti, Heni
  • Gambang: Sutat, Wakiyo
  • Gerong: Iyasa, Panut, Parno, Hartono RRI, Hartono “Sajuri”, Widodo, Kliwon, Tukimin,
  • Bonang: Mardi
  • Bonang Penerus: Marman
  • Gender Penerus: Joko Tipes, Prapto
  • Siter: Priyo, Joko Tipes
  • Suling: Mujiono
  • Slenthem: Legiyo, Ripto
  • Peking: Pahang
  • Gong: Karman, Prapto, Ali
  • Kenong: Sarsidi
  • Kethuk: Wahyo, Prapto
  • Balungan: Ngahana, Mulyono, Yanto, Pahang, Kuat, Wawan, Wardi, Rajiman, Tukimin, Sutat, Tulus, Sular


  • Bp. Panggah
  • Bp. Waridi
  • Bambang Siswanto
  • Danis
  • Lukman
  • Rosid
  • Singgih
  • Kamto
  • Darsono “Jepang”
  • Joko Purwanto
  • Saminto
  • Wulan, dhalang Manyaran
  • Jarwo
  • Hendra
  • Mariatun
  • Furqon
  • Marc Perlman, Brown Univ
  • John Gilbert, Montreal
  • Mindy Johnston, Portland
  • Melissa Alvarez, Brooklyn
  • Amy (living in Oman)


We spent Rp.6,950,000 or $755 (Rp. 9200= $1).