Year 6, #8

Friday, 11 May 2007
Home of Bapak Jarwo and Ibu Sri Puji, Semarang

On Friday night, 11 May, we had the 8th klenengan in this fiscal year of the Pujangga Laras klenengan. It was held in Semarang at the home of Bapak Jarwo and Ibu Sri Puji. Pak Jarwa and Bu Puji run a studio in Semarang and a performing group called Suka Raras. Bu Puji is a sindhen at RRI Semarang. Their group is directed by Ki Mulyono, a dhalang, and the group plays for both klenengan and wayang. Because Bp. Mulyono has long been an admirer from afar of Pujangga Laras, he finally approached us a month ago and asked to have the klenengan in Semarang. We made an exchange—they paid for all the food so we could put the money to the buses needed to transport everyone 3 hours to Semarang. We then invited fewer people—not the whole crowd—so that we could add to the musicians’ envelopes since they would be on the road from 4 pm through to 5 am the next morning.

It was really an inspiring event, somewhat beyond words I would say. When we got there, Bp Darsono/STSI gave an introduction in which he introduced each musician, starting with a formal explanation of their affiliation and something about their abilities, but then he managed in each case to also add something humorous, some anecdote, about each one. The musicians from Pujangga Laras felt honored by this and the audience, mostly made up of Suka Raras musicians from Semarang, were mesmerized. I heard this group once when they played for a wayang of Ki Purbo Asmoro’s in Semarang, and I can say they are clearly professionals in their own right and play significantly above the quality of what one would refer to as a routine “bapak2” group. However they have the automatic “Solo worship”, admiration similar to what Jakarta musicians have though, or say talented musicians in the outlying areas of the USA have who meet a musician from New York or another musical center. It was very touching to see.

For the first part of the evening, the Suka Raras musicians listened intently and semed to be studying the players and their garap carefully. After dinner things loosened up and everyone had a bit more fun together. Finally for the last piece Pak Mujiono played one of his unique versions of Lobong (after being supplied wine by Bp. Mulyono), and had everyone in absolute stitches.

Acara Gendhing

Introduction by Bp. Darsono/STSI

listen to audio

  1. Gd Bn Majemuk kt 4 kr mg 8, pl 5

    kd: Wakidjo
    penunthung: Wakidi
    bn: Yadi

    pt ageng Gd. Miyanggong (bedhayan Solo) kt 4 kerep mg 4 kalj Ldr. Surung Dhayung, sw Ktw Sumedhang, pt wantah

    rb: Yadi
    gd: Legiyo
    kd Wakidjo
    penunthung: Wakidi
    gb: Wakiyo
    bn: Ripto

    listen to audio

  2. Gd. Lungkeh kt 4 arang mg Randamaya kalj. Ldr Siyem, pt Lasem dados Ayak-ayakan Anjang Mas

    rb: Yadi
    gd: Legiyo
    kd: Wakidjo
    gb: Wakiyo
    bn: Ripto

    listen to audio

  3. Gd Sambul Cilik kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj Ldr. Semang

    rb: Yadi
    gd: Ngadina
    kd gd: Wakidjo
    ciblon: Wakidi
    gb: Wakiyo
    bn: Ripto

    listen to audio

  4. pt sl sanga wantah Bawa Nguswasari dhawah Gd Tejakatong kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr Asih dados Ayak-ayakan rangkep-Srepegan mawi palaran Pangkur Paripurna (Ngatirah), Dhandhanggula “waosan” (Tugini), Dhandhanggula Malatsih (Darsono ISI), Kinanthi Pawukir (Parni), Pangkur Surangga Greged (Mulyono-Semarang)

    rb: Yadi
    gd: Legiyo
    kd gd: Wakidjo
    ciblon: Wakidjo
    ayak and palaran cib: Wakidi
    gb: Wakiyo
    bn: Ripto

    listen to audio

  5. Jineman Uler Kambang, sl 9 (Yatmi)
    Jineman Mari Kangen, sl 9 (Tarini and Ngatirah)

    gd: Saminto
    kd: Wakidi

    listen to audio

  6. pt pl 7 jugag, ada-ada (ckp sinom, Ki Mulyono) dhawah Ldr. Eling-Eling (andhegan Warti and Sri Puji) ktmp Ktw Pamoedya

    rb: Yadi
    gd: Saminto
    gb: Tulus
    kd: Wakidi
    bn: Ripto

    pt jugag sl manyura, Bawa Joyokusuma dhawah Gd Lobong kt 2 kr mg Kinanthi diseling Puspanjana kalj Ldr Kembang Pepe, Ayak-ayakan Mijil Larasati

    rb: Wakidjo
    kd: Mujiono
    gd: Saminto for merong, Wakidi for part of mg then Ngadina)
    gb: Tulus
    bn: Ripto

    listen to audio

Musicians Attending

Special also to last night’s klenengan was the attendance of Ibu Ngatirah from Semarang. But Ngatirah sang for Nartosabdo’s Condhong Raos—in fact embodied together with Bu Tantinah, and later Bu Yatmi, the sindhen personality of Condhong Raos. She rarely goes out anymore, but was able to come last night as the klenengan was in Semarang.

A musician new to the klenengan last night who may well become a regular was Bapak Saminto, from Klathen. He is part of the common lineage many followed of being a musician for Ki Nartosabdo (gender, balungan) until he passed away, then Ki Mujoko (balungan) until he passed away, and then for Ki Purbo Asmoro for many years (gender). He composed Purbo Asmoro’s panutup, his closing piece to every wayang. He has “surfaced” again after not being seen for awhile in Solo, and is frequently attending rehearsals around town. His main instrument is gender, and he’s known for his fluid, flowery, highly embellished style.

Two ISI (Institut Seni Indonesia, or STSI formerly) students also played with us last night as well—mas Fuqron and mas Singgih. Both are quite active as students of Bp. Yadi, Bp. Darsono “Jepang”, and other teachers around town.

Some background on a family and a young musician you will inevitably hear more about, since it’s applicable: Ki Mulyono who runs the Semarang group and was the force behind getting Pujangga Laras to Semarang, is mas Joko “cilik”’s father. Mas Joko is considered one of the most talented in the upcoming generations of karawitan in the Solo area. His dhalang father, Bp Mulyono of Semarang, married Purbo Asmoro’s younger sister, and mas Joko now lives part time at Purbo Asmoro’s home, hence some call him mas Joko “Asmoro” but actually he was named after Ki Sri Joko Raharjo, whom his father highly admired as a dhalang, hence the nickname mas Sri Joko “cilik”. Mas Joko is a dhalang, gerong singer, rebab player and kendhang player, but recently won a bawa competition, hence the nickname mas Joko “gerong”.

  • Kendhang: Yadi, Wakidjo, Wakidi, Mujiono
  • Rebab: Yadi, Wakidjo
  • Gender: Legiyo, Saminto, Ngadina, Wakidi
  • Sindhen: Ngatirah, Parni, Yatmi, Yayuk, Tugini, Tarini, Warti, Tarmi Semarang, Sri Puji Semarang
  • Gambang: Wakiyo, Tulus
  • Gerong: Darsono STSI, Panut, Sri Joko Raharjo “cilik”, Saminto
  • Bonang: Ripto, Yadi
  • Bonang Penerus: Ngahono
  • Gender Penerus: no instrument in this set
  • Siter: Joko Tipes
  • Suling: Mujiono, Ngahana, Joko
  • Slenthem: Raji
  • Peking:Narto
  • Gong: Mujiono, Karman
  • Kenong: Sarsidi
  • Kethuk: Sutat
  • Balungan: Fuqron, Singgih, Pahang, Tulus, Raji


  • Ki Purbo Asmoro
  • Ki Dhamiri Soemarno (Purbo Asmoro’s father)
  • Miki, Jepang
  • pretty much all the members of karawitan “Suka Raras”, Semarang, directed by Ki Mulyono


We spent Rp. 6,290,000 or $707 (Rp. 8890 = $1).

Report written by Kitsie Emerson