Year 6, #6
Friday, 2 March 2007
Home of Ki Naryocarito, Windhan, Makam Haji, Kartasura
Dear Friends,
On Friday night, 2 March, we had the 6th klenengan in the 6th year of Pujangga Laras. It took place in Windhan, Makam Haji, Kartasura at the home of Ki Naryocarito, who passed away 100 days ago to the date. Traditionally after a death, Javanese hold ceremonies to mark 7 days, 40 days, 100 days, 1 year (pendhak pisan), 2 years (pendhak pindho), 1,000 days (nyewu). At the 7-day and 40-day marks, the Naryocarito family held very small, simple klenengan with family members but for this 100-day commemoration asked Pujangga Laras to be held at their house.
As I wrote before, Ki Naryo’s children (mas Ratno, mas Pahang, mas Joko Sabar, mbak Win) are all actives members, listeners or supporters of Pujangga Laras, and his oldest son mas Seta an active member of our reherasal group in Jakarta. Ki Naryo’s wife’s family includes three well-known dhalang: Ki Sri Joko Raharjo, Ibu Rumyati, and Ibu Sulangsih. Once you start counting nephews, neices, and other family members slightly removed from the center core, there are hundreds of pangrawit/dhalang relatives. There were many guests—too many for me to keep track of—from all walks of the Solo artistic world.
The gendhing had all been set and requested by Bp. Ratno, Ki Naryo’s son. The musicians followed his list to a certain extent, but inserted many substitutions. But Bp. Ratno seemed not at all bothered by this and joked that this meant we’d have to hold Pujangga Laras at his house in the future to get in some of the gendhing he requested.
Acara Gendhing
Gd Agul-Agul kt 8 kr mg 16, pt 5, pathetan
rb: Raji
gd: Mulyanto ISI
kd: Wakidjo
penunthung: Saptono
gb: Sutat
bn: Karno
Gd. Mongkok Dhelik kt 4 arang mg kt 8 kalj Ldr Siyem, pt Lasem, sl 6
rb: Raji
gd: Mulyanto, ISI
kd Wakidjo
gb: Tulus
bn: Mardi
(Pak Wahyo arrived only now, as the car to pick him up was otherwise occupied.)
Gd. Sambul Tledhek kt 4 arang mg kt 8 kalj Ldr. Peksi Kuwung, pl 6
rb: Wahyo
gd: Wito
kd: Wakidjo
gb: Sutat
bn: Mardi
(Bp. Ratno had planned Sambul Gendhing instead, but was changed on the spot to Sambul Tledhek at Pak Wahyo’s request.)
pt sanga wantah Bawa (Darsono STSI) Bremara Ngingsepsari dhawah Gd. Wangsaguna kt 2 kr mg Sembunggilang kalj. Ldr. Pakumpulan dados Ayak-ayakan Gadhung Mlathi—Srepegan mawi palaran Pangkur (Yatmi), Sinom Wenikenya (Darsono STSI), Mijil miring (Munirah), Dhandhanggula Malatsih (Darsono STSI)—Srepegan
(Bp. Ratno had planned Gd Lonthang Kasmaran—a difficult gendhing to garap, which is very rarely played—but the decision was made that since the musicians were already in ciblon it wouldn’t be appropriate.)
rb: Wahyo
gd: Wito
kd: Wakidi
gb: Tulus
bn: Karno
(break for dinner)
pt pl 7 jugag Bawa (Iyasa) Ciptamaya dhawah Gd Sangapati kt arang 4 mg 8 kalj Ldr. Kuwung, pl 7
Ayak-ayakan Pamungkas, sl manyura
Ldr Eling-Eling, sl manyura (a request by Bp. Ratna to be played in Ki Naryocarito’s memory)
rb: Wawan
gd: Kamso
kd: Wakidjo
gb: Sutat
bn: Karno
Musicians Attending
We had two new musicians in attendance: Ibu Rusiati, sindhen for Ki Anom Soeroto. She had been at a rehearsal in the afternoon at Ki Purbo Asmoro’s home and may have just heard about the klenengan there and decided to come since she was in town. The other was Bp. Mulyanto, a teacher at ISI Yogya who is an active member of Bp. Wito’s various groups and is from Klathen.
- Kendhang: Wakidjo, Saptono, Wakidi, Yadi
- Rebab: Raji, Wahyo, Wawan
- Gender: Mulyanto ISI, Kamso, Wito
- Sindhen: Parni, Yatmi, Dharti, Mulyani, Yayuk, Dewi, Rusiati, Tugini, Sumini, Munirah, Keni, Warti
- Gambang: Sutat, Wakiyo, Tulus
- Gerong: Yasa, Darsono STSI, Panut, Sri Joko Raharjo “cilik”,
- Bonang: Mardi, Karno
- Bonang Penerus: Mardi, Rajiman, Wakiyo
- Gender Penerus: Priyo
- Siter: Joko Tipes
- Suling: Mujiono, Ngahana
- Slenthem: Ripto
- Peking:Cipt Ngasina
- Gong: Hali, Karman
- Kenong: Sarsidi, Prapto
- Kethuk: Wakiyo, Parman
- Balungan: Ngahono, Wakiyo, Joko Tipes, Sular, Pahang, Sutat, Saido, Joko Sabar, Cipt Ngasina, Wardi, Tulus, Prapto, Ngatno
- Mindy, USA
- Laura, Italy
- Kaoru, Japan
- Miki, Japan
- Kaori, Japan
- Hanae, Japan
- Kesi
- Bambang Siswanto
- Lukman
- Sri Dadi
- Fuqron
- Nandar
- Ki Purbo Asmoro
- Ki Subono
- Ki Dwi
- Bp. Tarno (head of ISI Surakarta)
- Bp. Mulyadi
- Bp. Darsono “Jepang”
- many, many other guests from ISI Surakarta, ISI Yogya, and the Klathen and Kartasura areas—too many for me to keep track of
We spent Rp. 7,465,000 or $820 ($1=Rp. 9097), as the costs for food were higher with so many guests and the musicians were almost in 100% attendance.
Report written by Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta