Year 6, #3
Saturday, 29 October 2006
Home of Ki Purbo Asmoro, Gebang, Mojosongo, Solo
Dear Friends,
Please remember to send in your July 2006-July 2007 pledge if you haven't done so yet!
Last night, we had the 3rd klenengan in the SIXTH fiscal year of Pujangga Laras at the home of Ki Purbo Asmoro in Gebang, Mojosongo. It started at 8 pm and went until 2 am. and was well attended and quite lively.
We were very happy to have Bapak Dalimin back for the first time since his stroke about 6 months ago. He played for the first few pieces and asked to be taken home around 11:30 as he was tired. He is basically back on his feet and going to the Mangkunegaran for every event, but tires easily. You'll note in the recording that he had a lot of difficulty controlling his bonang playing in the slow, stately gendhing bonang. But he is slowly recovering.
Bp. Mardi (bonang) couldn't come because of a broken leg. Bp Giarto was able to come this month (has only come once before)—a gerong singer for Ki Anom Soeroto. We also had a new musician, Bp Sugeng from Wonogiri, who grew up listening to mas Wakidi on kendhang and is now a talented musician.
NOTE: The very next night after this klenengan, most of these same musicians gathered in Wonogiri at the home of a retired SMKI teacher, who was commemorating the 1000 day after the death of both her mother and her little sister. Ki Purbo Asmoro peformed "Kunthi Muksa", with classical, traditional accompaniment by the Anggara Kasih (Selasa Kliwon) group from SMKI, which overlaps a great deal with Pujangga Laras. Inside jokes about various happenings at the klenengan and about Pujangga Laras in general were quite prevalent!
The November klenengan date is to be announced. It will be held in Benawa at the home of Bp. Supanggah.
Acara Gendhing
- Gd. Bn. Imawinendha, kt 4 arang mg 8, sl 6
kd Yadi
bn: Dalimin

- Ldr. Wilujeng, pl 5
- Gd Jatikondhang kt 2 kr mg 4 (kosek alus) kalj Ldr Tedhak Saking ktp Ktw Girisa, pt ngelik jugag, pl 5
rb: Wahyo
gd: Karno
kd gd: yadi
gb: Wakiyo
bn: Dalimin

- Gd. Udan Asih kt 4 kr mg 4 (ir 2) kalj Ldr. Sobah (wilet) kto Ktw. Saraswati, pt Lasem, sl 6
rb: Raji
gd: Wito
kd gd: Yadi
bn: Dalimin
gb. Wakiyo

- pt pl 6 wantah Bawa (Giarto) Sudirawicitra dhawah Gd. Menyan Kasilir kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj Ldr. Wirangrong (sw gropak)
rb: Wahyo
gd: Wito
kd gd: Yadi
cib : Wakidi
gb: Djoko Tipes
bn: Karno

Jn Uler Kambang, sl 9 (Mulyani)
Jn. Glathik Glindhing, sl 9 (Dewi)

- Gd. Danaraja kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj Ldr. Uluk-Uluk, bedhayan, pt jugag, sl 9
rb: Raji
gd: Wito
kd gd: Yadi
cib: Wakidi
bn: Karno

(break for dinner)
- pt manyura jugag Bawa (Hartono) dhawah Gd Rondonunut kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr. Gonjang Seret
rb: Ngahono
gd: Narto
kd: Sugeng, Wonogiri
gb: Wakiyo
bn: Karno

- Ldr Pangkur pl 7 malik sl manyura
same as above but kd: Wakidi
Musicians Attending
- Rebab: Wahyo, Raji, Ngahono
- Gender: Karno, Wito, Narto
- Kendhang: Yadi, Wakidi, Sugeng
- Gambang: Wakiyo, Djoko Tipes
- Sindhen:Yatmi, Dharti, Parni, Mulyani, Dewi, Harjutri, Tugini, Sumini,
- Warti, Munirah, Keni
- Gerong: Panut, Yasa, Giarto, Hartono, Budi
- Bonang: Dalimin, Karno
- Gender Penerus: Djoko Sabar, Djoko Tipes
- Siter: Priyo, Djoko Tipes
- Suling: Ngahana
- Bonang Penerus: Parman, Harto
- Slenthem: Ripto
- Peking:Sular
- Gong: Karman, Priyo
- Kenong: Ngatno
- Kethuk: Ngatno
- Balungan: Ngahono, Wakiyo, Joko Tipes, Sular, Pahang, Cipt Ngasina, Prapto,
- Warjina, Yanto
- Miki, Japan
- Hanae, Japan
- Niamh, Ireland
- Wiyono, Mayangkoro
- Waridi, STSI
- Mulyadi, Ljiwetan
- Purbo Asmoro
This month we spent Rp. 6,405,000 (about $712) on the klenengan and another Rp. 2,150,000 (about $240) on bonuses for the once a year Lebaran holiday.
NOTE: Lebaran (Idul Fitri) is the celebration at the end of the fasting month, which is also celebrated in a secular way on Java by pretty much every Javanese of any religion. It is traditional that if you have a money-exchange relationship (boss to employee, pembantu to house dweller, the postman, the garbage collectors, the neighborhood watchmen, etc) you give an extra month salary to them at Lebaran. We didn't give that much, but rather added a flat fee of Rp. 50,000 across the board to everyone's envelopes. This is why we have 11 klenengan rather than 12 a year—so we can afford these bonuses.
Report written by Kitsie Emerson, Jakarta/Solo, 30 October 2006