Year 5, #8
Saturday, 15 April 2006
Home of Ki Purbo Asmoro, Gebang, Kadipiro
Dear Friends,
Last night we had the 8th klenengan in the 5th fiscal year of Pujangga Laras at the home of Ki Purbo Asmoro in Gebang, Kadipiro. It started at 7 pm with a group of students from STSI, and went on until 1:45 am. With the presence of Bp. Darsono "Jepang", Bp. Panggah, and a number of recently-added, vivacious gerong members (Bp. Giarto and Bp. Jungkung) this klenengan was quite lively. Already in the palaran section of the sl 6 suite you'll hear it
Ever growing--there were a number of new musicians once again--Bp Giarto and Bp Muryana had just run into us recently at a wayang and we had invited them. Others heard by word of mouth.
- Bp. Giarto, gerong singer with Ki Anom Soeroto
- Bp. Muryana, Ki Anom Soeroto's current rebab player
- Bp. Bandi, Ki Purbo Asmoro's bonang player, formerly with Ki Anom Soeroto
- all three formerly of Condhong Raos (Ki Nartasabdo's group) and then Ngesthi Raras (Ki Mujoko's group)
- Bp. Purnama, dhalang and off and on kendhang player for Ki Purbo Asmoro
- Ibu Ratmi, younger sister of Bp. Karman, Ibu Sumini
Pak Dalimin is much better, but didn't feel up to going out at night. When the car arrived to pick him up he decided against coming after all.
Bp Karno had the flu and couldn't come, and a whole group (Bp-s Hali, Widodo, Mujiono, Karman, Ibu Keni) had a wayang gig.
The next klenengan is scheduled for Saturday, 3 June at the home of Bp. Rahayu Supanggah in Palur. We may fit in another one in May, but are unsure as of yet.
Acara Gendhing
- STSI students, directed by Pak Raji (played from 7:15-8:00, while everyone was arriving)
Gd. Kombang Mara kt 2 kr mg 4, pl 5, pt wantah
rb: Joko Raharjo "cilik"
gd; Agus
kd: Nandar
sd: Peni, Kesi
(Quite soon mas Joko will be doing his final exam at STSI, and this is one of the pieces he is to play. The new plan is to have the STSI students play during this slot, when the regular Pujangga Laras musicians are arriving.)
- Pambuka Pujangga Laras, pl 5 (written by Bp. Wakidjo)
- Gd. Taliwangsa kt 4 arang mg kt 8, pt ngelik jugag, pl 5
Rb: Wahyo
Gd: Legiyo
Kd: Yadi
Bn: Mardi
Gb: Narto
- Gd. Rimong kt 2 kr mg Ldr. Moncer (biasa), Ldr Moncer Alus, Moncer (biasa), sw gropak, ada-ada girisa (Joko Raharjo "cilik"), Srepeg Pinjalan mawi palaran Gambuh (Yayuk), Kinanthi (Yasa), Mijil (Dharti), Dhandhanggula (Hartono), pt Kedhu
Rb: Wahyo
Kd: Yadi
Kd Sabet and cib: Wakidjo
Gb: Wakiyo
Bn: Mardi
- Gd. Menyan Kasilir kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj. Ldr. Surung Dhayung pl 6
Rb: Wahyo
Gd: Legiyo
Kd Gd: Yadi
cib: Wakidjo
Bn: Mardi
Gd. Narto
- pt sl 9 wantah, Bawa SA (Panut) Dhadhap Mantep dhawah Gd. Sinom kt 4 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr. Asih, pt jugag
rb: Raji
gd: Cipt Ngasinah
kd gd: Wakidjo
cib : Wakidi
gb: Wakiyo
bn: Mardi
- Ktw. Gd Ela-Ela Penganten kt 2 kr mg Ldr, pl 6, pt wantah
- Jn. Uler Kambang, pl nyamat (Yayuk)
Jn Glathik Glindhing, pl 6 (Ratmi)
rb: Yadi
gd: Ratno
kd: Wakidi
gb: Narto
bn: Mardi
Lgm Tamansari, pl 6 (Harjutri)
Lgm. Atiku Lega, pl 6 (Yayuk)
Bawa Pangkur (Jungkung)-Lgm Ngimpi, sl 9 (Yatmi)
kd: Purnama
- Gd Bandhilori, sl sanga, kt 2 kr mg Ldr Eling-Eling, pt Elayana
- Bawa Prii Anjulo (Hartono) dhawah Ldr. Subasiti, pl 7 dados Ayak-ayakan Mijil Larasati, pl 7
rb: Muryana
gd: Panggah
kd: Wito
bn: Mardi
gb: Wakiyo
(Bp. Wito didn't realize we wanted to try the new closing piece, so they stopped and then did another ayak. After that they decided to try it in pl 7 as well, so continued on a bit longer!)
Panutup Pujangga Laras Ayak-ayakan Soesanti (by Bp. Yadi), sl manyura
Ldr. Jurang Jugrug (Ntsb), Panutup Pujangga Laras Ayak-ayakan Soesanti, pl 7
rb: Ngahana
gd: Muryana
kd: Wito
Musicians Attending
- Rebab: Wahyo, Raji, Muryana, Yadi, Ngahana
- Gender: Legiyo, Ratno, Cipt Ngasinah, Panggah
- Kendhang: Yadi, Wakidjo, Wakidi, Wito, Purnama
- Gambang: Wakiyo, Narto
- Sindhen: Dharti, Parni, Yayuk, Tugini, Tarini, Dewi, Harjutri, Ratmi, Warti, Sumini, Taduk, Kesi (she could only stay for the student part and then had to leave for a committment in Surabaya)
- Gerong: Panut, Tukimin, Hartono RRI, Joko Raharjo "cilik", Jungkung, Budi, Giarto
- Bonang: Mardi
- Gender Penerus: Ngahana
- Siter: Priyo, Joko Tipes
- Suling: Mujiono
- Bonang Penerus: Parman, Harto
- Slenthem: Ripto
- Peking: Mayar
- Gong: Prapto, Kuat
- Kenong: Sarsidi
- Kethuk: Ngatno
- Balungan: Ngahono, Wakiyo, Joko Tipes, Warjinah, Parman, Sular, Pahang, Legiyo, Sutat, Ngatno, Slamet Widodo, Saido, Joko Sabar, Bandi
- Alan Feinstein, USA
- Jenny Lindsay, Singapore/ New Zealand
- Marc Benamou, USA
- Mindy Johnston, USA
- Lucek, Czech Republic
- Kaori, Japan
- Hanae, Japan
- Purbo Asmoro
- Waridi
- Darsono "Jepang"
- Rumiyati
We spent Rp. 7,140,000 ($801 with Rp. 8910 = $1).
Report written by Kitsie Emerson