Year 5, #5

Friday, 12 January 2006
Home of Bp. Mulyadi, Lojiwetan, Solo

Dear Friends,

Last night we had the 5th klenengan in the 5th fiscal year of Pujangga Laras. It was held at the home of Bp. Mulyadi, Lojiwetan, starting at 8:00 and lasting until 2:30 am. We had just returned from the USA, and it had been 2 months since the last klenengan, so there were no set gendhing and only one piece that we brought notation for. This actually led to a klenengan that many described as being "enak sekali rasanya"—a very nice feel to the klenengan, possibly from the relative comfort level of the gendhing.

Another nice aspect of the evening was that Bp. Raji brought a group of mixed level/mixed semester STSI students—about 20—to play a prepared suite during the dinner break. Aside from playing during the dinner break however, these students lent a good deal of inspiration somehow to the regular musicians. They sat up close, paying careful attention to the elder players, and some bringing notation and asking questions in between pieces. At the end of the klenengan, when Bp. Mujiono played kendhang and Bp. Darsono "Jepang" gender, waves of chuckles, laughter and even a few times applause would come from the students when there was something particularly unusual done. "Gayeng" is the Javanese term to describe this klenengan—very lively and full of laughter, high energy, and joking.

We had a smaller crowd than usual for many reasons. It is "bulan Besar" in the Javanese calendar—an auspicious month for weddings and the like, so many were busy. But also it had been a few months and some musicians may have been out of the communication loop.

Bp. Wakidjo was not able to attend since he recently was in an accident and broke his thigh bone, as well as injuring his shoulder. We stopped by his house on our way out to the klenengan, and he really didn't want to come even just to listen—was way too tired and is using a walker to get around. By next month or definitely March he expects to be able to show again. In the meantime, he said he would sit at home and try to compose a pambuka and an ayak-ayakan panutup (opening and closing signature pieces) for Pujangga Laras.

Ki Purbo Asmoro (the host last October klenengan) had planned to attend for weeks before the klenengan, but came down with the flu a few days before. He really needed to conserve his energy as he had 3 wayang in a row starting the next day and therefore couldn't come. But it was important to him that people know--and he specifically asked me to announce here in this report--he had planned on and wanted to come and really enjoyed and appreciated being included in the community of players last month at his house.

Acara Gendhing

  1. Gd. Kembang Mara kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr Playon, pt wantah

    Rb: Wahyo
    Gd: Karno
    Kd: Yadi
    Bn: Dalimin

  2. Gd. Mongkok Dhelik kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj Ldr. Siyem, sl 6 pt Lasem

    Rb: Wahyo
    Gd: Kamso
    Kd: Yadi
    Bn: Dalimin

  3. pt pl 5 wantah, Bawa (Panut) dhawah Gd. Logondhang kt 2 kr mg Ldr. Eling-Eling ktp Ktw. Mijil Gondhang Kasih dados Kemuda diseling Jn. Tulis Kresna (Dharti), Jn Mijil Soesanti (Yayuk)

    *sorry, once again, about the bawa—just not getting good results with handing the gerong section a piece of paper and getting them to write things down, and the other night there weren't many in the gerong section

    Rb: Wahyo
    Gd: Karno
    Kd Gd: Yadi
    cib: Wakidi
    Bn: Mardi

  4. Gd. Majemuk kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr. Bedhat (wilet), sw gropak, ada-ada girisa (Tukimin) dados Srepegan Pinjalan mawi palaran Gambuh (Parni), Sinom Wenikenya (Panut), Mijil cengkok miring (Tarini), pt Kedhu

    rb: Wahyo
    Gd: Kamso
    Kd Gd: Yadi
    cib: Wakidi
    bn: Dalimin

  5. Gd. Erang-Erang Bagelen kt 2 kr g Ldr. Opak Apem, mandheg diselingi lagu Pendhisil, Kupu Kuwi, Menthog2, mandheg #2 diselingi Lgm Yen Ing Tawang, Lgm Wuyung

    pt jugag

    rb: Raji
    gd: Karno
    kd: Wito
    bn: Mardi


    STSI students:

  6. Sendra Karawitan "Janji Allah", by Bp. R.L. Martopangrawit
  7. pt pl 7 jugag, Bawa (Panut) dhawah Gd. Manuhara kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr Singa-Singa dados Kemuda Rangu-Rangu

    (Gd. Manuhara written by Bp. Djoko Walujo)

    rb: Wawan
    gd: Darsono "Jepang"
    kd: Wakidi
    bn: Mardi

    pt manyura jugag Bawa (Tukimin) dhawah Gd. Bantheng Wareng kt 2 kr mg Eseg-Eseg dados Ayak-ayakan Kaloran

    rb: Wakidi (a first!)
    gd: Darsono "Jepang"
    kd: Mudjiono
    bn: Mardi

Musicians Attending

  • Rebab: Wahyo, Raji, Wawan
  • Gender: Kamso, Karno, Darsono "Jepang"
  • Kendhang: Yadi, Wakidi, Wito, Mudjiono
  • Gambang: Sutat
  • Sindhen: Dharti, Parni, Yayuk, Kesi, Tarini, Kaeni, Warti, Munirah, Sumini, Tiwuk, Dwi, Ratmi, Anita, Puji, Peni
  • Gerong: Panut, Tukimin, Joko Raharjo
  • Bonang: Dalimin, Mardi
  • Gender Penerus: Tulus
  • Siter: Joko Tipes
  • Suling: Mujiono
  • Bonang Penerus: Parman, Mardi
  • Slenthem: Ripto, Hadi Sucipto
  • Peking: Sular
  • Gong: Prapto, Karman, Hali
  • Kenong: Sarsidi
  • Kethuk: Mujiono
  • Balungan: Ngahono, Wakiyo, Wiyono, Joko Tipes, Warjinah, Parman, Kuat, , Sular, Pahang, Legiyo


  • Mindy, USA
  • John, England
  • Kaori, Japan
  • Hanae, Japan
  • a few Dharma Siswa I didn't really know
  • Mulyadi, Lojiwetan
  • Lukman
  • Jungkung Darmoyo
  • Fuqron
  • Sigit
  • Wisanggeni/Gajahan
  • a group of 20 STSI students, mixed semesters


We spent Rp. 6,120,000 ($658 with Rp. 9,300 = $1).

Report written by Kitsie Emerson, 13 January 2006