Year 5, #1

Friday, 21 July 2005
Laweyan, Solo

Dear Friends,

About 10 days ago, on Friday, 21 July , we had the 1st klenengan in the 5th fiscal year of the Solo klenengan!

This was a special klenengan in a number of ways.

  • It was the start of our fifth year.
  • It was the first klenengan using the new name for the event "Pujangga Laras".
  • There were many, many foreign visitors, including 3 of the main committee members for this klenengan.

We were very honored that Bp. Hartono (drummer at the Mangkunegaran) and his wife Ibu Umi were able to come this month, and hope they will continue to attend. Pak Hartono attended the very first klenengan 4 years ago in Lojiwetan, but felt there were already enough drummers and we didn't "need" him. We hope we have been able to convince him otherwise!

The next klenengan will be held Saturday, 13 August, in Eromoko, Wonogiri at the home of Midiyanto S. Putro. Buses will be available for all musicians-leaving at 5 pm from Mangkunegaran. We plan to arrive around 7 pm, at which time Bp. Midiyanto's competition-winning children's group will play before the klenengan starts.

The September klenengan will be at the home of Ki Purbo Asmoro, but the date is still under discussion.

The October klenengan will most likely return to Bp. Panggah's, after which it will begin rotating again.

Acara Gendhing

  1. Ldr. Wilujeng, pl 7

    There was an inauguaration of the name "Pujangga Laras" and a ceremonial rice pyramid was cut by Marc P, Chris and Barry, while Bp. Waridi made an announcement explaining that this was the beginning of the 5th year, etc.

  2. Ktw. Gd. Jalaga kt 8 kr mg 16 pt jugag, pl 5

    Rb: Wahyo
    Gd: Kamso
    Kd: Hartono
    pn: Wakidjo
    Bn: Yadi
    Gb: Narto
    suling: Mujiono
    gd pn: Joko Sabar

  3. Gd. Mongkok Dhelik, kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj. Ldr. Sobah, sl 6

    Rb: Raji (Bp. Wahyo was not feeling well--sat and listened for the rest of the klenengan)
    Gd: Karno
    Gb: Sutat
    Kd: Hartono
    Bn: Dalimin

  4. Gd. Sembawa kt 2 kr mg Ldr Sembawa, diselingi Ldr. Dhandhanggula Maskentar, pl 5

    Rb: Dalimin
    Gd: Kamso
    Gb: Narto
    Kd Gd.: Hartono
    Pn: Wakidjo
    Bn: Yadi

  5. Gd. Logondhang bedhayan (Nartosabdo) kt 2 kr mg Ldr. bedhayan Logondhang kalj. Ktw. Sinom Logondhang, pl 5

    rb: Raji
    Gd: Karno
    Gb: Narto
    Kd Gd: Wakidjo
    bn: Yadi

    (Logondhang wasn't planned, but Bp. Raji had brought the notation and suggested they stick it in before Tejakatong-even though it made for 3 pl 5 gendhing!)

  6. pt sl 9 wantah Bawa (Yasa) Sari Brongto dhawah Gd. Tejakatong kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr. Sri Kasusra, suwuk, pt Jingking (Darsono STSI) dados Ayak-Ayakan rangkep, dados Srepeg, mawi...
  7. palaran Pangkur (Parni), Sinom Logondhang (Waluyo), Mijil miring (Tarini), Pangkur Surya Greget (Panut) dados...
  8. Srepeg Mataraman mawi rambangan Sinom Wenikenya (Hartono), Dhandhanggula Mataraman (Yayuk)-Srepeg Mataraman, rangkep, pt jugag.

    Rb: Panggah
    Gd: Kamso
    Kd Gd: Wakidjo
    Ciblon: Wakidi
    Gb: Sutat
    Bn: Dalimin
    gender penerus: Ngahono

    (break for dinner)

  9. Jn. Uler Kambang sl 9 (Warti)
    Jn. Mari Kangen sl 9,
    Jn. Mijil sl 9 (Mulyani)
    Ktw. Mijil Kethoprak sl 9 (Yayuk)
    Ktw. Pocung Kethoprak sl 9 (Yayuk)
    Ktw. Sinom Parijotho sl 9 (Darsono STSI)
    Lgm. Kadhung Tresna sl 9 (Mulyani)

    rb: Ngahono
    gd: Darsono "Jepang"
    gb: Wakiyo
    kd: Wakidjo (except Pocung, Mujiono, and Kadhung Tresna, Wakidi)

  10. Gd. Rujak Sentul kt 2 kr mg Ldr. Srundeng Gosong kalj. Ktw. Kinanthi Sandhung Kethoprak dados Srepegan mawi lagu Kupu Kuwi, Menthog2, Pendhisil, Koning, pl 6, pt nyamat wantah

    rb: Ngahono
    gd: Darsono
    kd gd: Wakidjo
    cib Srundeng Gosong, Wakidi, lagu2 Wakidjo
    gb: Mayar
    bn: Sagimin

  11. pt pl 7 jugag, Bawa (Waluyo) dhawah Gd. Kuwung-Kuwung kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr. Sri Biwadha, pt onengan
    Ayak-ayakan Kaloran, pl 7

    rb: Wawan
    gd: Pahang
    kd: Wakidjo
    gb: Wakiyo
    bn: Sagimin

Musicians Attending

  • Rebab: Wahyo, Raji, Dalimin, Panggah, Ngahono, Wawan
  • Gender: Karno, Kamso, Darsono "Jepang", Pahang
  • Kendhang: Hartono, Wakidjo, Wakidi, Mujiono
  • Gambang: Narto, Wakiyo, Sutat, Mayar
  • Sindhen: Mulyani, Dharti, Parni, Tugini, Yayuk, Tarini, Umi, Warti, Sumini
  • Gerong: Panut, Yasa, Hartono, Saido, Widodo, Waluyo, Darsono STSI, Tukimin
  • Bonang: Dalimin, Mardi, Sagimin
  • Gender Penerus: Joko Sabar, Ngahono, Tulus
  • Siter: Joko Tipes, Priyo
  • Suling: Ngahono, Mujiono
  • Bonang Penerus: Rajiman, Harto "Jagalan"
  • Slenthem: Ripto, Kamso, Pardi
  • Peking: Tulus, Sutat, Legiyo
  • Gong: Hali, Prapto, Karman
  • Kenong: Sarsidi
  • Kethuk: Pahang
  • Balungan: Ngahono, Pahang, Wakiyo, Wiyono, Wardi "Kraton", Priyo, Sular, Joko Sabar, Ngatno, Joko Tipes, Mulyono RRI, Sagimin, Mayar, Slamet Widodo, Warjinah, Parman, Cipt Ngasina, Legiyo, Kuat


  • Barry, Iis, and Julian Drummond, USA
  • Marc Perlman, USA
  • Chris Miller, USA
  • Rainer Scheutz, Germany
  • Midiyanto S. Putro, Eromoko and Berkeley
  • Philip Yampolsky, USA
  • a group from Ford Foundation ~12-15 people
  • Laurence Fayat, France
  • Pascal, France
  • about 6-7 others from France
  • Niamh, Ireland
  • Kaori, Japan
  • Hanae, Japan
  • Luzek, Czech Republic
  • a few other foreign students I didn't know
  • Bp. Waridi, STSI
  • Bp. Slamet Riyadi
  • Sigit-STSI student
  • Furquon-STSI student
  • Mulyadi--Lojiwetan
  • Lukman
  • Darsono "cilik" (just returned from the USA and was very tired)
  • Kesi (same as above)
  • Joko-STSI (Ki Hali's son)
  • about 10 other STSI students


We received a contribution from the Ford Foundation group that was visiting, in the amount of Rp. 2,000,000 (about $210)-thanks so much!

This month we spent Rp. 6,790,000 (or $707.00 with the rupiah at Rp.9600 = $1). However we put the entire $210 Ford Foundation contribution to this covering this month, so our total for this month is only $497.

Report written by Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta, 31 July 2005