Year 4, #11
Friday, 17 June 2005
Baluwarti, Solo
Dear Friends,
About 10 days ago, on Friday the 17th , we had the 11th and final klenengan in the 4th fiscal year of the Solo klenengan. Remember we have 11 klenengan a year and use the 12th klenengan funds for Lebaran bonuses.
Next month we start the 5th year of the klenengan! You'll receive an e-mail in the next few days asking for your new pledges for the July 05-06 year. We've already received funds from a few people....
I doubt anyone has noticed, but each month these reports come to you directly 1-2 days after the klenengan EXCEPT the June one. June is when I move to Solo for the school vacation and start a different type of life. My busy-person routine gets all discombobulated and all scheduling turns upside-down. So sorry for the delay, but frankly I've given up-it seems to happen every June!
The wonderful aspect to our loss of the Laweyan venue is that we can rotate the klenengan now to various locations. This month it was held in Baluwarti, near the Kraton, at Ibu Cendhani Laras/Mulyani's home. She has a small pendhopo and a restored, old gamelan. Her husband, Bp. Mulyadi (a well-known tuner and gamelan maker from Lojiwetan), got inspired and tried out a new-to-him tuning idea (Larasati) last week on her gamelan. It was phenomenally successful. Most musicians couldn't stop commenting on how beautiful it was, and many are still talking about it 10 days later. You can hear for yourself in the recording...
The big news this month though was that the older bapak-bapak thought up a name for the klenengan. Everyone is tired trying to figure out how to refer to the event! The official name is now "Pujangga Laras"-given to us by a collaboration of Bp.s- Wahyo, Yadi, Wakidjo, Dalimin, and Mulyadi. So evidently now the phrase in small talk will be, "When again is Pujangga Laras this month?" Instead of "When's Wakidi's thing this month?" or "When's the Laweyan-you know whatever-klenengan this month?"
Many STSI musicians (Bp-s Panggah, Raji, Kamso, Pardi) were in Jakarta for a concert, but most other musicians were in attendance. Last month there had been so much talk about the newly composed gendhing, that the group that normally schedules gendhing for the next month didn't get around to it. So Mas Wakidi took it on himself to choose four gendhing (Daradasih pl 5, Semukirang, Miyanggong, Songgeng) and prepare notation.
The next klenengan will be held Thursday, 21 July at the home of Bp. Supanggah in Benawa.
The August klenengan is planned for 13 August at the home of Midiyanto in Eromoko, Wonogiri. Vans to Eromoko will be provided for the musicians.
The September klenengan has been claimed by Ki Purbo Asmoro (word is getting out that the klenengan rotates), and will be held at his home in Gebang, Mojosongo.
The October klenengan will most likely be back at Bp. Panggah's in Benawa, before starting to rotate again.
Acara Gendhing
- Ldr. Wilujeng, pl 5
(same line-up as for Daradasih except Bp. Wakiyo on gambang)
Ktw. Gd. Daradasih, kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj Ldr. Kagok, pt ngelik jugag, pl 5
Rb: Wahyo
Gd; Karno
Kd: Yadi
pn: Wakidjo
Bn: Dalimin
Gb: Narto
suling: Mujiono
gd pn: Kuat
- Gd. Semukirang, kt 2 kr mg kt 4 kalj. Ldr. Gajahendra, pt jugag, sl 6
Rb: Wahyo
Gd: Darsono "cilik"
Gb: Wakiyo
Kd: Yadi
Bn: Dalimin
- Gd. Miyanggong kt 2 arang/kerep mg. Ldr. Wani-Wani, pl 6
Rb: Wahyo
Gd: Karno
Gb: Narto
Kd Gd.: Yadi
Ciblon: Wakidjo
Bn: Dalimin
- Gd. Titipati kt 2 kr mg kt 4 kalj. Ldr. Peksi Kuwung (wilet), pt kedhu, sl 6
rb: Wahyo
Gd: Darsono "cilik"
Gb: Narto
Kd Gd: Yadi
Cib: Wakidjo
(Pak Wahyo asked to stick this piece in before Songgeng-he said he wasn't ready for sanga...)
- pt sl 9 wantah Bawa (Darsono STSI) Dhandhanggula Pajabsih dhawah Gd. Songgeng kt 2 kr mg 4 (kosek wayang) kalj. Ldr. Bribil (gaya Solo followed by gaya Semarang), Ayak-Ayakan irama 1 dados Srepeg mawi palaran Mijil (Tugini), Dhandhanggula wacan (Yasa), Pocung (Dharti) dados Srepeg Mataraman, sw gropak.
- Jn. Uler Kambang, sl 9 (Mulyani)
- Lgm Kadhung Tresna, sl 9 (Mulyani)
Rb: Yadi
Kd Gd: Wakidjo
Gb: Wakiyo
Ciblon: Wakidi
Bn: Mardi
suling: Ngahono
(break for dinner)
- Jn. Uler Kambang, pl 7 (Dharti)
- Bawa Dhandhanggula Banjet (Hartono RRI), Lgm. Pawelingku (Yayuk), pl 7
- Bawa Sinom (Yasa), Lgm. Tak Enteni (Yayuk) dados Ldr. Gandrung Binangun, pl 7
rb: Ngahono
gd: Darsono "cilik"
gb: Wakiyo
kd: Kuat
bn: Mardi
- Ldr. Pangkur Tanjung Gunung, pl 7 dados Pangkur biasa malik slendro manyura, malik pelog nyamat, malik slendro manyura ktp. Ktw. Branta Mentul dados Ayak-ayakan Mijil Larasati
rb: Ngahono
gd: Wakidi
kd: Kuat
gb: Wakiyo
bn: Mardi
Musicians Attending
- Rebab: Wahyo, Yadi, Ngahono
- Gender: Karno, Darsono "cilik", Wakidi (a first!)
- Kendhang: Yadi, Wakidjo, Wakidi, Kuat
- Gambang: Narto, Wakiyo
- Sindhen: Tukinem, Mulyani, Dharti, Parni, Tugini, Yayuk, Kesi, Munirah, Warti, Sumini, Dwi
- Gerong: Panut, Yasa, Hartono, Saido, Joko "Asmoro"
- Bonang: Dalimin, Mardi
- Gender Penerus: Kuat, Joko Sabar
- Siter: Joko Tipes, Priyo
- Suling: Ngahono, Mujiono
- Bonang Penerus: Harto "Jagalan"
- Slenthem: Ripto
- Peking: Tulus
- Gong: Hali, Prapto
- Kenong: Sarsidi
- Kethuk: Pahang
- Balungan: Ngahono, Pahang, Wakiyo, Wiyono, Wardi "Kraton", Priyo, Sular, Joko Sabar, Ngatno, Joko Tipes, Mulyono RRI, Sagimin, Mayar, Slamet Widodo, Warjinah, Parman
- Mindy, USA
- Niamh, Ireland
- Ron Albaba, Holland
- Hanae, Japan
- Kaori, Japan/USA
- Kaoru, Japan
- Dennisse, Mexico
- Marta, Hungary
- Lujak, Czech Republic
- Sigit-karw
- Mulyadi
- Lukman
- Bp. Wagiman (Kesi's father-a dalang from Tulungagung)
- most of the bapak-bapak-s who usually rehearse at Bp. Mulyadi's on Friday nights-quite a large "audience"
This month we spent Rp. 6,760.000 (or $719.00 with the rupiah at Rp.9400 = $1).
Report written by Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta, s28 June 2005