Year 4, #6
Saturday, 22 January 2005
Laweyan, Solo
Dear Friends,
Last night we had the 6th klenengan in the 4th fiscal year of the Laweyan klenengan. It started at 8:15 pm and went until 2:15 am. We skipped the December klenengan, as mas Wakidi and I were in the USA, and both the October and November klenengan had been at Bp Mulyadi's in Lojiwetan because of the way they fell during the fasting month. So we had a very large turn-out of enthusiastic musicians-happy to see that the klenengan is in fact still running (I think that every time we have a month off many somehow expect that it's the beginning of the end), and glad, it seemed, to be back "home" at Laweyan. Our lease at Laweyan is up in July, however, and so the klenengan will need to find a new home sometime between now and then. We'll keep you posted.......
The klenengan was dampened though by two major events in the lives of the musicians. One being the tsunami in Aceh, and the other being the passing of the last of a whole generation of Solonese musicians--Bp. Tarno Pangrawit, legendary suling player among other things, 82 years old. The tsunami did not directly affect anyone's family in the group, but in general musicians and dhalang are laying a little low in these early stages of the relief effort. There are a number of ways most musicians seem to have contributed-to neighborhood funds and by playing in benefits, etc. All the non-retired Sri Wedari musicians were absent, for instance, playing in a benefit for Aceh victims.
The next klenengan will be held 12 February 2005 (the SECOND Saturday of the month) in Laweyan.
Acara Gendhing
(For those of you who tend to wonder or notice these things, this was the first time I tried out my new machine-a "HiMD", and used the "CD quality-no compression" setting throughout-meaning I needed four 1 GB disks to get through the whole klenengan! But once you get this recording let me know if you notice a difference. Of course now I have to upgrade my mike to really take advantage of the sound, and then.... and then.......)
- Gd. Bn. Pujangga Gandrung kt 4 kr mg 8, sl 6, pt jugag
(it's a gendhing bonang, but they tried it with rebab, sindhenan, gender, etc.)
Rb: Wahyo
Gd: Karno
Gb: Narto
Kd: Yadi
Penunthung: Wakidjo
Bn: Dalimin
- Gd. Kembang Mara kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr Playon ktp. Ktw Mijil Gondnag Kasih, pl 5 pt jugag
Rb: Wahyo
Gd: Kamso
Gb: Priyo
Kd: Yadi
Pn: Wakidjo
Bn: Dalimin
- Gd Menggah kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj. Ldr Siyem, sl 6, pt Lasem
Rb: Raji
Gd; Karno
Gb: Narto
Kd: Yadi
Bn: Dalimin
(There were a lot of smiles during this one, as the first line of the merong is just .352 six times!)
- Gd. Mayangsari kt 2 kr mg 4-kosek alus dirangkep-kalj Ldr. Kapirekta dados Kemuda diseling lagu Cucurbiru, pt jugag, pl 5
(This is the first time I've ever heard kosek alus done in rangkep. Since they were going on to Kapirekta, with ciblon, Bp. Yadi mentioned that the minggah of Mayangsari would best be in kosek alus, no ciblon. But when he got to the 2nd gongan that resembles the rangkep section of Onang2 he decided to go into a kosek alus rangkep. Many of the musicians got lost in a major way, but they didn't stop!)
rb: Raji
Gd: Kamso
Gb: Pariyo
Kd Yadi
Ciblon: Wakidjo
Bn: Mardi
The next piece was done in darkness, at midnight, and without sindhenan ("mulyararas") after Bp. Darsono/STSI made a short speech remembering Bp. Tarno Pangrawit, who passed away on January 7 at the age of 82.
- Macapat Pangkur Gedong Kuning, sl 9 (Yasa)
Gd. Laler Mengeng kt 2 arang mg Ldr. Tlutur dados Ayak-ayakan Tlutur, sendhon tlutur
Rb: Yadi
Gd: Karno
Kd: Wakidjo
Gb: Narto
- Pt. jugag pl 6-Jn Uler Kambang, pl nyamat (Yayuk)
Bawa Wegansulanjari (Panut) dhawah Gd. Onang-Onang (merong was done in rangkep) kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr. Wirangrong, pt jugag, pl 6
Rb: Yadi
Gd: Pardi
Kd: Wakidjo
Ciblon: Wakidi
Gb: Priyo
Bn: Sagimin
- Pt sl 9 wantah Bawa Sri Martono (Darsono/STSI) dhawah Gd. Menyan Kobar kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj. Ldr. Kembang Tanjung (wilet) dados Ayak-ayakan rangkep-Srepegan mawi palaran Dhandhanggula Temanten Anyar (Parni), Mijil (cengkok miring-Tarini), Durma (Munirah) , Durma (Darsono/STSI)-Srepegan Mataraman, suwuk gropak
Rb: Wakidjo
Gd: Cipt-Ngasinah
Gb: Djoko
Kd: Wakidi
Bn: Pardi
- Pt pl 7 jugag
Ldr. Asmaradana "kethoprak", pl 7 (Dharti and Yayuk)
Ldr. Pangkur, molak-malik pl 7-sl manyura dados Ayak-ayakan Kaloran
Rb: Ngahono
Gd: Cipt-Ngasinah, pl 7, Wakidi, sl many
Gb: Narto
Kd: Kuat
Bn: Danis
Musicians Attending
- Rebab: Wahyo, Raji, Yadi, Wakidjo, Ngahono
- Gender: Karno, Kamso, Cipt-Ngasinah, Pardi, Wakidi
- Kendhang: Yadi, Wakidjo, Wakidi, Kuat
- Gambang: Narto, Priyo, Djoko
- Sindhen: Mulyani, Dharti, Parni, Tugini, Tarini, Yayuk, Kesi, Harjutri, Munirah, Marni, Dwi
- Gerong: Panut, Darsono "STSI", Yasa, Budi, Widodo, Hartono "RRI"
- Bonang: Dalimin, Mardi, Sagimin, Danis
- Gender Penerus: Joko Sabar
- Siter: Djoko Tipes, Priyo
- Suling: Mujiono
- Bonang Penerus: Sagimin, Rajiman
- Slenthem: Ripto, Kamso
- Peking:Tulus
- Gong: Hali, Legiyo
- Kenong: Sarsidi
- Kethuk: Kuat, Ngahono
- Balungan: Ngahono, Sagimin, Pahang, Wakiyo, Wiyono, Harta, Parman, Sutat, Mulyono "RRI", Prapto, Priyo
- Mindy Johnston, USA
- Hanae, Japan
- Kaori, Japan/USA
- Kaoru, Japan
- Dennisse, Mexico
- Ludek, Czech Republic
- a Hungarian woman who is a Dharma Siswa student
- Niamh, Ireland
- Niki, England
- A number of tourists or new-comers that I didn't know
- Sumi
- A number of young students from STSI
- Mulyadi
This month we spent Rp. 6.220.000 (or $686.00 with the rupiah at Rp.9058 = $1).
Report written by Kitsie Emerson, 23 January 2005