Year 2, #11
Thursday, 19 June 2003
Laweyan, Solo
Dear Friends,
Last Thursday night we had the FINAL klenengan of the 2nd fiscal year of the North American sponsored klenengan. Weíll start a new season with the klenengan on Saturday, 19 July.
You will receive the pledge renewal request letterin a few daysóplease notify us of your new pledge soon! Thanks for your support!
The klenengan was very fullóas they have been lately. The number of listeners has been growing and growing as the months go on, which is terrific. Anytime we can get people away from their TVís and pop music agendas to listen to classical gamelan all night weíre happy! All told, there were over 100 people at Lawyean last Thursday.
The klenengan started at 8:00 pm and lasted until 2:00 am. A few new musicians were presentóBp. Pur (an older musician from the ìgloryî days at SriWedarióPak Wakidjo, Mas Karman, Mas Wakidi, and Mas Ngahana were thrilled to see him),Bp. Yadi ìNusukanî, Ibu Darti ìnyiterî, and Ibu Medi (sindhen at Kepatihan and a number of other bapak-bapak groups).
Ibu Mulyani/Cendhani Laras wasnít able to attend, as her husband was very ill. In fact, he passed away Saturday morning from diabetes complications. Mas Kamso was at a festival in Surabaya.
Acara Gendhing
- Gd. Cacatiningrat kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj. Ldr. Winangun (bedhayan), pt wantah, pl 7
Rb: Wahyo
Gd: Karno
bn: Dalimin
kd: Yadi
gb: Karman
- Ketw. Gd. Merak Kesimpir kt 2 kr mg Ldr. Randhat, pt manyura ageng
rb: Wahyo
gd: Karno
kd: Yadi
pn: Wakidjo
gb: Wakiyo
bn: Dalimin
- Gd. Jongmeru Bahgong kt 2 arang mg 4 kalj Ldr. Manis (bedhayan), pt jugag, pl 7
rb: Wahyo
gd: Karno
kd: Yadi
pn: Wakidjo
gb: Karman
bn: Dalimin
- Gd. Danaraja kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj. Ldr. Uluk-Uluk (bedhayan) sl 9
rb: Wahyo
gd: Karno
kd: Yadi
ciblon: Wakidjo
gb: Wakiyo
bn: Dalimin
The 4 pieces above were planned together by Pak Wahyo, Pak Dalimin, Pak Wakidjo and Pak Yadi and it seemed important to them to do all 4. Pak Wahyoís been practicing a lot to get his hands back in shape since his stroke a few years ago, and his rebaban sounded much more fluid this month.
- Pt pl 6 jugag, Bawa (Panut) Dhawah Gd. Gambirsawit ìmolak-malikî merong pancerana mg Pareanom malik minggah slendro malik pelog Sembunggilang malik slendro Sembunggilang ìutuhî malik pelog kalj. Ldr. Gegot-Ketw. Retna Wigena-Ayak-ayakan rangkep pelog-Srepegan mawi palaran Pangkur Paripurna (Medi), Dhandhanggula ìlik sulingî (Yasa) -Srepegan Mataraman pelog
rb: Raji
gd: Karno to start in pl/sl, then malik pelog again was always Wakidjo
kd: Kuat
gb: Karman in pl, Wakiyo in sl
bn: Mardi
- pt sl 9 wantah Bawa (Yasa) dhawah Gd Songgeng kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr. Subasiti
rb: Panggah
gd: Wakidjo
kd: Wakidi
bn: Mardi
- Jn Uler Kambang, sl 9 (Yatmi) Ketw. Sinom Parijatha (Yatmi)-Ayak-ayakan rangkap
Kd: Wakidi/Mujiono
Gd: Wakidjo
- Ldr. Pangkur molak-malik, pl 7/Sl many, Pt manyura wantah
Rb: Ngahana
Gd: Darsono ìcilikî
Kd: Wakidi
Gb: Karman
Bn: Daliman
- Gd. Bandhilori kt 2 kr mg Ldr. Sumyar, pl 7óAyak-ayakan Pamungkas
Rb: Ngahan
Gd: Darsono ìcilikî
Kd: Wakidi
Gb: Karman
Bn: Daliman
Musicians Attending
- Rebab: Wahyo, Raji, Panggah, Ngahana
- Gender: Karno, Wakidjo, Darsono ìcilikî
- Kendhang: Yadi, Wakidjo, Kuat, Wakidi, Mujiono
- Sindhen: Tukinem, Tugini, Parni, Tarini, Yatmi, Munirah, Warti, Medi
- Gerong: Panut, Yasa, Tukiman, Priyo, Widodo
- Gambang: Wakiyo, Karman
- Gender Penerus: Joko Sabar, Tulus
- Siter: Joko Tipes, Pahang
- Bonang: Dalimin, Mardi
- Bonang Penerus: Rajimin, Mardi, Pardi
- Suling: Tarno
- Gong: Prapto, Ali, Mujiono
- Slenthem: Ripto
- Kenong: Sarsidi
- Kethuk: Mujiono
- Balungan: Pahang, Tulus, Sutat, Ngahana, Ngatno, Warjinah, Wiyono, Wardi ìKratonî
- Jessica, Boston
- Greg McCourt, California
- Nicole, Wisconsin
- Marzana, Poland
- Kaoru, Japan
- Akira, Japan
- Thomas, Sydney
- Niemh, Ireland
- Katherine, England
- Sophie, England
- Esther, England
- Suzanna, Hungaria
- Suzanna's husband (?), Hungaria
- Lukman
- Mulyadi, Lojiwetan
- Salim, Mulyadi's brother
- Wawan
- About 15 students from STSI
- Saptono
- Darsono ìJepangî
We spent Rp. 5,410,000, or $667 ($1=Rp. 8100 at the banks), which is well over our monthly limit of $500. Due to the strengthening of the rupiah (it was 8800 in May and generally 9000-9500 over the year), the klenengan are significantly more expensive.