Year 2, #6

Saturday, 19 January 2002
Laweyan, Solo

Dear Friends,

Last night the 6th North-American-sponsored klenengan of the second fiscal year running was held in Laweyan, Solo. We had a great turn-out, with 34 male musicians and 9 pesindhen! The word is getting out more and more, especially to middle level musiciansómusicians that might not be from one of the major musical sectors (because those musicians are already coming), but that do run hobbyist groups in their own small neighborhoods and benefit from this high-level playing environment. Ibu Harjutri and her husband Bp. Budi joined us this month. Bu Harjutri came to the USA as a pesindhen with Bp. Tristhuthi back in 2001. She and her husband play with Bp. Anom Soerotoís group.

There were 2 sad pieces of news this month. Bp. Sardiman had a stroke, while riding on the back of a motorcycle, on his way home from our klenengan in December (and I just heard about it last night). He canít walk at all and has limited use of his hands. His speech is fine. Bu Dharmi evidently has been developing hearing problems for the past few years and a few weeks ago they really accelerated. She suddenly canít hear anything but white noise and is having trouble communicating at all verbally. I havenít been able to visit either one, as I just heard about them last night and we had to leave for Jakarta at 8 am on Sunday morning. Ibu Mulyani was also feeling quite ill, but came anyway as she wanted to see everyoneóbut you most likely will notice a difference in her voice on the recording.

The good news is that we got 2 of the younger musicians (in their 20ís) to play this monthóMas Darsono "cilik" on gender for Mandhul and Mas Wawan on rebab for Tunggul Kawung. Theyíre so hard to push up to the front, but Mas Wakidi and Pak Wakidjo put the pressure on them and they succumbed! Mbak Kesi was also joining in with the sindhen.

Acara Gendhing

  1. Gd. Bn. Klenthung kt 4 ar mg 8, pl 5

    bn: Dalimin
    kd: Yadi
    slent: Narto

  2. Gd. Muntap kt 4 kr mg 8 (disabet) pl 5

    rb: Wahyo
    gd: Karno
    kd: Yadi
    bn: Dalimin
    gb: Tulus

  3. Gd. Gantalwedhar kt 4 kr mg 8 (disabet) kalj. Ldr. Telak Bodin (wilet) pt Kedhu, sl 6

    rb: Wahyo
    gd: Kamso
    kd: Yadi
    bn: Dalimin
    gb: Wakiyo

    (if you listen carefully you can hear Bp. Raji and Bp. Wakidi making up a gerong part in the wilet, and later Bp. Panut and Bp Yasa taking it up in the ngelikónormally not done in wilet)

  4. Gd. Jatikondhang kt 2 kr mg 4 (kosek alus) kalj. Ldr. Tedhak Saking dados Ketw. Girisa, pt ngelik (lengkap)

    rb: Wahyo
    gd: Karno
    kd: Yadi
    gb: Tulus

    (Both Bp. Wahyo and Bp. Darsono "Jepang" expressed disappointment that they didnít use the andhegan in the inggah.)

    (Muntap, Gantalwedhar, and Jatikondhang were planned ahead by Pak Wahyo.)

  5. Gd. Lokananta kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr Eling2 (wilet) pt lasem, sl 6

    rb: Raji
    gd: Kamso
    kd gd: Yadi
    gb: Wakiyo

    (Bp. Raji wanted to do Gendhu, but the balungan pushed forward with Lokananta.)

  6. pt. pl 6 jugag Bawa (Hartono/RRI) Maesabayangan dhawah Lipur Erang-Erang kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr. Surung Dhayung, pt. ????? (ódonít know what it isómaybe from Yogya?)
  7. Jn. Uler Kambang, pl bem (Warti)
    Jn. Glathik Glindhing, pl bem (Harjutri)

    rb: Raji
    gd: Karno
    kd gd: kamso
    ciblon: Wakidjo
    bn: Sagimin
    gb: Tulus

  8. Pt sanga wantah, Bawa (Budi) dhawah Gd. Mandhul kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj. Ldr. Kembang Tanjung (wilet) dados Ayak-ayakan Gadhung Mlathi-Srepeg-Palaran Sinom Wenikenya (Munirah), Durma (Warti), Dhandhanggula (Yasa)óSrepeg MataramanóPalaran Pangkur Matarman (Harjutri)- Srepeg Mat. rangkep
  9. pt many wantah

    rb: Wakidjo
    gd: Darsono "cilik"
    kd gd: Yadi
    cib: Wakidi
    bn: Mardi
    gb: Tulus

  10. Gd. Tunggul Kawung mg Ldr. Pacul Gowang-Ayak-ayakan Kaloran, pl 7

    rb: Wawan
    gd. Pahang
    kd: Mujiono
    gb: Wakiyo
    bn: Sagimin

Musicians Attending

  • Rebab: Wahyo, Raji, Wakidjo, Wawan
  • Kendhang: Yadi, Wakidjo, Wakidi, Kamso, Mujiono
  • Gender: Kamso, Karno, Darsono "cilik", Pahang
  • Sindhen: Mulyani, Parni, Tukinem, Tugini, Tarini, Munirah, Warti, Harjutri, Kesi Gerong: Panut, Yasa, Budi, Hartono "RRI", Sutimin
  • Siter: Priyo
  • Gambang: Wakiyo, Tulus
  • Gender Penerus: Joko Sabar, Ngahana
  • Suling: Tarno
  • Bonang: Dalimin, Sagimin, Mardi
  • Bonang Penerus: Sagimin
  • Peking: Sutat
  • Slenthem: Narto, Ripto
  • Gong: Ali, Karman
  • Kenong: Sarsidi
  • Kethuk: Mujiono
  • Demung/Saron: Wiyono, Warjina, Ngatno, Ngahono, Sular, Pardi, Pahang, Joko Sabar, Joko Tipes, Hartono "Danar Hadi"


  • Darsono "Jepang"
  • a few neighborhood Laweyan guys
  • Mulyadi, Lojiwetan
  • Salim, Mulyadiís older brother
  • Lukman, Kentingan
  • Kuwat/Banyumas
  • Harta/karw. Jagalan
  • Akira, Japan
  • Kaoru, Japan
  • Thomas, Australia
  • Jack, Australia
  • Geza, Hungary
  • Suzanna, Hungary
  • Brigitt, Hungary
  • Sophie, England
  • Esther, England
  • Katherine, England
  • Nicole, MN, USA
  • Ryan, MN, USA
  • Greg McCourt, USA


We spent Rp. 4,580,000, which at the exchange rate this week of Rp. 8773, comes to $522.00. Our monthly estimate this year is $500 a klenengan, so we were a bit above budget, with so many musicians showing up. (See attached expenses spreadsheet if interested in the current spending details.)