Year 1, #12

Saturday, 15 June 2002
Kerajinan Gamelan Bp. Mulyadi, Lojiwetan, Solo

Dear Friends,

We completed a full year of klenengan last night, with the 12th event at Bapak Mulyadi's in Lojiwetan. Congratulations--we managed to put these on non-stop for a full year! As you know, we're collecting pledges for the July 2002- July 2003 year. Please let us know if you're planning to subscribe again by e-mailing me at ekathryn@hotmail, or contacting Barry Drummond at to mail your check. Thanks so much to those of you who have already sent in your new pledge!

Last night's klenengan began at 8 pm and ran until 1:45 am. It was well-attended and we were honored to have Bu Tugini and Pak Priyo come for the first time. They are very busy with their own activities (espeicially on Saturday nights) but happened to be free. There was a small contingent from RRI that had another gig (Bp.-s Yadi, Sagimin, Ripta, Yasa), but most everyone else was there. Even with the World Cup craze here, we were able to start on time--a few STSI types drifting in after the game was over at around 9 pm.

—Kitsie Emerson

Acara Gendhing

  1. Gd. Bn. Wedikengser, kt 4 arang mg 8, pl 7

    kd: Kuat, bn: Mardi, sl: Wiyono

    (don't study the kendhangan from this tape, as it's incorrect--sorry....I suspect it may be played again next month though, since it bothered everyone--including Bp. Kuat--that it wasn't done well)

  2. Gd. Babar Layar Gendhing, kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj. Ldr. Sri Linuhung, pl 7

    rb: Wahyo, gd: Mulyono, kd: Wakidjo, bn: Mardi, gb: Sutat

  3. Ketw. Gd. Merak Kesimpir, kt 2 kr mg Ldr. Kandhamanyura, pt manyura ageng

    rb: Wahyo, gd. Ratno, kd: Wakidjo, bn: Mardi, gb: Joko Tipes

    (Bp. Wakidjo decided to do kd. 1 instead of the kd 2 pamijen--as he did the pamijen in an earlier klenengan)

  4. pt. pl 6 ageng, Gd. Miyanggong (bedhayan) kt 4 kr/2 kr mg 4 (if not bedhayan, kt 2 ar/2 kr mg 4) kalj. Ldr Surung Dhayung suwuk Ketw. Sumedhang, pt jugag

    rb: Wahyo, gd: Mulyono, kd: Wakidjo, pn: Kamso, gb: Sutat, bn: Pardi

    (to do this, and as bedhayan, was Bp. Raji's idea, and he came with all the vocal notation)

  5. pt sl 9 wantah, Bawa dawah Gd. Lara-Lara kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr Raja

    rb: Wayho, gd: Ratno, kd: Kamso, gb: Joko Tipes, bn: ??didn't notice, too many guests---sorry!

    (this was a real train wreck piece from beginning to end, especially the gerong--I wouldn't be surprised if theyn don't repeat this one as well....)

  6. pt pl 6, Bawa, dawah Gd. Ranumanggala mg Eseg-Eseg (after an attempt by Bp. Raji to play/lead Ranumanggala's own inggah) kalj. Ldr. Kembang Kates katampen Ketw. Sinom Rog2 Asem dados Srepegan diselingi lagi Kupu Kuwi, Menthog2, Pendhisil, Koning, pt pl nyamat jugag

    rb: Raji, gd: Mulyono, kd gd: Wakidjo, ciblon: Wakidi, gb: Sutat, bn: Ngahono

  7. pt manyura wantah, Gd. Lobong kt 2 kr mg Kinanthi diselingi Puspanjana (after an attempt by Bp. Ali at the kempul to go to Gonjing Miring after Puspanjana, they ended up returning to Kinanthi) kalj. Ldr. Moncer, pt jugag-ngelik

    rb: Ratno, gd: Kamso, kd gd: Wakidjo, ciblon: Mujiono, gb: Joko Tipes, bn: Mulyono

    Poor Bp. Ratno didn't know the history (since he's only been coming for 3 months) that Lobong has been done so many times in this group, and that Bp. Mujiono always goes over to ciblon and a long, long, version of kinanthi ensues. When he played the buka he got a few sighs....

  8. Ldr. Jongkeri, pl 7
  9. Ayak-ayakan Pamungkas, pl 7

    rb: Ratno, gd: Kamso, kd: Wakidi, gb: Sutat, bn: Mulyono

Musicians Attending

  • Rebab: Wahyo, Ratno, Raji
  • Gender: Ratno, Mulyono, Kamso
  • Kendhang: Kuat, Wakidjo, Kamso, Wakidi, Mujiono Sindhen: Mulyani, Parni, Tukinem, Tugini, Tarini, Dharmi Gerong: Panut, Priyo, Diman
  • Gambang: Joko Tipes, Sutat
  • Siter: Kuat
  • Suling: Tarno
  • Gd.Penerus:Joko Sabar
  • Bonang: Mardi, Mulyono, Pardi, Ngahono
  • Bn. Pen.: Ngahono, Pardi
  • Slenthem: Wiyono, Dalimin
  • Gong: Pahang, Ali
  • Kenong: Sarsidi
  • Kethuk/Kp: Kasim
  • Balungan: Tulus, Wakiyo, Warjinah, Ngatno, Pahang, Ali, Mujiono


  • Kaoru, Japan
  • Rainer, Germany
  • Kesi, Solo
  • Chris, England
  • Niemh, Ireland
  • Laura Romano, Italy
  • Win, Windhan
  • Giovani, Italy
  • Rosalea, Italy


The rupiah has been at Rp. 8,800 this week, and we spent Rp. 3,845,000, or $437. With the rupiah strengthening these past few weeks that put a normally under-budget klenengan a bit over our budget of $400. With this data in from the 12th klenengan, we officially have a surplus of $3028 from the 2001-2002 year.