Year 1, #2
Saturday, August 18, 2001
Kerajinan Gamelan Bp. Mulyadi, Lojiwetan, Solo
The second North American-sponsored klenengan took place on Saturday, August 18th from 8:00 pm-2:00 am at Bapak Mulyadi's in Lojiwetan, Solo. It was as great a success as the first one -- actually had an even more light-hearted feeling and was more relaxed. The musicians seemed to be enjoying themselves tremendously. Again, I couldn't get over the pride I felt inside at what we all have done by putting this together -- it's a "happening" already after only 2 meetings, and the musicians seem extraordinarily invested in its success. We had to compete with a neighborhood Independence Day celebration (dhangdhut, etc.) so the first half of the klenengan was a bit cacophonous at times -- particularly during andhegan -- but the musicians thought that was quite entertaining in its own way, as you may be able to imagine if you know them personally. Miraculously, the neighborhood celebration stopped long before we did!
Acara Gendhing
- Gd. Bn. Babar Layar
bn Yadi, kd Wakidjo
- Gd. Jalaga, pl 5, pt wantah
rb Dalimin, kd Wakidjo, penuntung Mujiono, gd Kamso, bn Yadi
- Ketw. Gd. Merak Kesimpir mg Ldr. Randhat, pt manyura ageng, sl. Many/6
rb Dalimin, kd Wakidjo, gd Kamso, bn Yadi
*This was one of the highlights, as many musicians focused in on the pamijen kendhangan that's so rarely played anymore for this piece and talked about it afterwards.
- Gd. Budheng-Budheng kalj. Ldr. Kembang Kacang, pl 6
rb Dalimin, kd. ageng Wakidjo, cib Wakidi, gd. Kamso
*another kendhang highlight as everyone enjoyed the way Bp. Wakidi suddenly did Kembang Kacang when it went into rangkep in langgam/kroncong style.
- pt. Sanga wantah, Bawa (Panut) dhawah Gd. Lentreng mg kt 8 kalj. Ladr. Giyak-Giyak dados Ayak-ayakan rangkep, palaran Pangkur (Mulyani), Durma (Darsono/STSI) -- Srepegan Mataraman pt. Jugag
rb Dalimin, gd. Wakidjo, kd. Wakidi (except for the Ayak rangkep only, during which Mujiono stepped in, then back to Wakidi for Palaran and Srepeg Mataraman)
- Jn Uler Kambang
Jn Mari Kangen
gd. Karno, kd. Yadi
- pt. Pl 6 jugag, Bawa (Darsono/STSI) dhawah Gd. Rujak Sentul mg Ldr Srundeng Gosong kalj. Ketw. Menthog-Menthog
rb Wakidjo, gd. Karno, kd Yadi, bn Dalimin
- Ketw. Sinom Parijatha, pl. nyamat, cib Wakidi Lgm.
- Pt. manyura wantah, Bawa (started by Sastrotoegiyo, finished when he ran out of breath by Panut) dhawah Gd. Lobong "komplit"
rb Wakidjo, gd Karno, kd Mujiono, bn Dalimin (very similar to last month)
- Ldr. Asmaradana, pl 7
(same line-up)
Ayak-ayakan Mijil Larasati
Musicians Attending
- Rebab: Dalimin, Wakidjo
- Gender: Kamso, Wakidjo, Karno
- Kendhang: Wakidjo, Wakidi, Yadi, Mujiono
- Sindhen: Tukinem, Mulyani, Dharmi, Tarini
- Gerong: Sastrotoegiyo, Panut, Darsono/STSI, Diman (former Mangkunegaran musician who had fallen ill)
- Suling: Tarno
- Gambang: Wakiyo
- Gender Penerus: Denis
- Bonang: Yadi, Dalimin
- Bonang Penerus: Karno, Kamso
- Siter: Joko Tipes
- Peking: Ngatno/SriWedari
- Slenthem: Mulyono, Wiyono
- Demung/Saron: Ngahono, Sular, Sutat, Tulus, Ripno, Wiyono, Mulyono
- Kenong: Sarsidi
- Kethuk: Kasim
- Gong: Pahang
Many musicians were busy with Independence Day celebrations and had told us ahead of time they wouldn't be back until the Sept. klenengan, but we had a full house anyway.
- Minarno
- Santoso
- Andy McGraw
- Kaoru "Jepang"
- Peter from England
- Maria from England
- Jonathon from England
- Sophie from England
- a couple from Japan who study with Pak Saptono
- about 10-15 neighborhood people just outside on mats
The rupiah has strengthened considerably since last month (from 11,000=$1 to 8,700=$1). We spent Rp. 3,380,000 this month, which now comes to $388, still under our $400 limit.