Year 1, #3
Saturday, September 15, 2001
Kerajinan Gamelan Bp. Mulyadi, Lojiwetan, Solo
The third American-sponsored klenengan took place last Saturday night, September 15, from 8:00 pm - 2:15 am at Bp. Mulyadi's in Lojiwetan, Solo. From 8:00 pm to midnight was a normal klenengan, as was 12:30 am to the end. At midnight however, the musicians stopped to commemorate the September 11th tragedy in the U.S.A. with a "murya-raras".There was a short speech by Bp. Wakidi, then a brief clarification about murya-raras by Bp. Saptono. The lights were then turned completely off and Gd. Laler Mengeng mg Ldr. Tlutur dados Ayak-ayakan Tlutur, sendhon Tlutur, sl. 9 was played in darkness. The commemoration was meant to have been introduced by Bp. A.L. Suwardi, but his mother died and he was unable to attend.
As the musicians arrived in the early evening, many of them spoke of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks and hijackings, and a number of people arrived that evening, independently bringing up the idea that we should conduct a murya-raras -- noteably Bp. Yadi and Bp. Dalimin -- although it had already been planned by Bps.Wakidi, Mulyadi, A.L. Suwardi, and Wakidjo.
Acara Gendhing
- Gd. Bn. Sidomukti kt 4 arang mg 8, slendro manyura
bn Dalimin, kd Wakidi, penunthung, Yadi
- Ldr. Wilujeng, pl 5
- Gd. Kagok Laras kt 2 kr mg 4 (disabet), pt. Wantah, pl 5
rb Wahyo, kd Wakidjo,penun. Yadi, gd Kamso, bn Dalimin
- Gd. Pujangga kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj. Ldr Moncer Alus (wilet), pt. Lasem, sl. 6
same line-up
- Gd. Sambul Cilik kt 4 mg 8 kalj. Ldr. Semang, pt nyamat jugag, pl nem
rb Dalimin, kd Wakidjo, penun Saptono, gd Karno, bn Yadi
- Ketw. Gd. Jungkang mg Subasiti, mandheg dados Ldr. Clunthang, Ayak-ayakan Mataraman -Srepeg Mataraman mawi rambangan Pangkur, Dhandhanggula Mataraman sl 9
(gendhing was Pak Wakidjo's idea)
same line-up as above, but Bp. Kamso on gender
Murya-raras: pt. Sanga wantah, Gd. Laler Mengeng mg Ldr. Tlutur dados Ayak-ayakan Tlutur, sendhon Tlutur
rb Saptono, kd. Wakidjo, gd Kamso
(took a break to eat, etc.)
- pt. Manyura wantah, Bawa ? (sorry, no time to look it up) dhawah Gd. Lambangsari kt 4 mg 8 kalj. Ldr Lipursari, pt jugag
bawa Panut, rb Wakidjo, kd Wakidi, gd Sular, bn Karno
- Jineman Uler Kambang, sl. manyura
Jineman Mari Kangen, sl manyura
gd Wakidjo, kd Wakidi, sindhen Kesi
- pt pl 7 jugag, Bawa (sorry no time to look it up) dhawah Gd Montro, Ayak-ayakan Pamungkas, pl 7
bawa Panut, rb Wayho, kd Wakidi, gd Wakidjo
Musicians Attending
- Rebab: Wahyo, Dalimin, Saptono, Wakidjo
- Gender: Kamso, Wakidjo, Karno, Sular
- Kendhang: Wakidjo, Wakidi (Saptono and Yadi -- penunthung)
- Sindhen: Tukinem, Mulyani, Dharmi, Parni, Kesi
- Gerong: Panut, Diman
- Suling: Tarno
- Gambang: Tulus, Joko Sabar
- Gender Penerus: Joko Sabar, Tulus
- Bonang: Dalimin, Yadi, Karno
- Bonang Penerus: Karno, Ngahana, Yadi
- Siter: Joko Tipes, Sular
- Peking: Sutat
- Slenthem: Joko Sabar, Mulyono, Kamso
- Demung/Saron: Mujiono, Ngahono, Sular, Sutat, Tulus, Ripto, Wiyono, Mulyono, Wakidi, Saptono, Wakiyo, Ngatno, Denis
- Kenong: Sarsidi
- Kethuk: Kasim
- Gong/Kempul: Ali, Ngahana
- Young musicians there:
- Kesi -- a young sindhen student who sings with dhalang PurbaAsmara
- Denis -- young musician from Makam Haji
- Kaoru
- Fumiko
- Alex Dea
- Miki, Japan
- Sophie, England
- Niamh, Ireland
- Esther, Ireland
- Rainer, Germany
We spent Rp. 3,560,000 (exactly $400) at this klenengan (cashed Traveler's Checks at current rate of $1=Rp. 8900). There was actually Rp. 20,000 left over from the $400 and we added it to Bp. Sastratoegiyo's envelope. He was ill and unable to come, so we delivered the envelope to his house for him to use for medicine. We continue to stay within budget, even though more sindhen are coming, because of course all the musicians we've invited don't come every time.