Year 12, #9

24 January 2014
Home of Ki Purbo Asmoro, Sanggar Seni Mayangkara, Gebang, Kadipiro, Surakarta

On Friday, 24 January 2014, we had the NINTH klenengan in the 12th year of Pujangga Laras. It was held at the home of Ki Purbo Asmoro, in Gebang. It started at 8:40 pm, and ended at 2:00 am. The pieces were set by Bapak Wakidjo.

The klenengan got started a bit late as our flight from Jakarta was very delayed by torrential rain. Although we tell the musicians to please start without us, and even text message key people as soon as we can to let them know they really should just go ahead, they’re still hesitant to start without us. We got there about 8:45 and Okrak-okrak was just starting.

Bp Wito, a Pujangga Laras regular and senior musician from Klaten, has been very ill and at the time of the klenengan was in the hospital. At the last minute we decided to add Sidawaras to the list of pieces, and called him so he could listen in on his cell phone. When the piece was over he was weeping and unable to speak, but he clearly really appreciated it. Good news is that he is out of the hospital now, so I guess “Sidawaras” (Return to Health) paid off! Pak Wakidjo has also been quite ill off and on, which is why we decided to ask him to set the gendhing.

We had two new players: Ibu Rini, a pesindhen connected to ISI—younger sister to the sindhen and dhalang Ibu Parsih and Bp Nyoman (dhalang and SriWedari musician) from Boyolali. Also Bp Teja, playing gambang, who none of us got to speak to much and we haven’t heard much about who he is or how he heard about Pujangga Laras—probably in mid 30s and a good gambang player (brave too—had no problem just playing for the first few pieces when Pak Wakiyo was sitting there!).

—Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta

Acara Gendhing

Gd Bn Okrak-okrak, sl manyura (we arrived as they were playing this—late flight)

kd: Yadi
pn: Wakidjo
bn: Mardi

Gd Sidawaras kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj Ldr Gonjang Seret, pathet jugag, sl manyura

rb: Raji
gd: Kamso
kd: Yadi
pn: Wakidjo
bn: Mardi
gb: Teja

Gd Babar Layar Bedhaya kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj Ldr Winangun, pathet jugag, pl barang

rb: Raji
gd: Kamso
kd: Yadi
pn: Wakidjo
bn: Mardi
gb: Teja

Gd Damarkeli kt 4 kr mg 8 (garap klenengan) kalj Ldr Kandhamanyura, pathet jugag, sl manyura

rb: Raji
gd: Kamso
kd: Yadi
pn: Wakidjo
bn: Mardi
gb: Teja

Gd Rimong kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj Ldr Moncer Alus, pl barang

rb: Raji
gd: Kamso
kd: Yadi
pn: Wakidjo
bn: Mardi
gb: Teja

Gd Danaraja kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj Ldr Lindur, pathet jugag, sl sanga

rb: Darsono Hadirahardjo
gd: Wawan
kd: Yadi
ciblon: Wakidjo
bn: Legiyo
gb: Wakiyo

(break for dinner)

Jn Uler Kambang (Warti), sl sanga
Jn Glathik Glindhing (Rini), sl sanga

kd: Kuat

Buka gender, Gd Bang-bang Wetan kt 2 kr mg Ldr Jongkeri (mas Darsono “edan” joined in balungan for this one), pl barang, suwuk Ayak-ayak Pamungkas, pl barang

rb: Kamso
gd: Sular
kd: Kuat
bn: Legiyo
gb: Wakiyo

Musicians Attending

  • Kendhang: Yadi, Wakidjo, Kuat
  • Rebab: Raji, Darsono Hadirahardjo
  • Gender: Kamso, Wawan
  • Sindhen: Parni, Mulyani, Sumini, Ratni, Warti, Wartini, Rini/STSI
  • Gerong: Giarto/CR, Iyasa, Parno, Widodo, Tukimin, Hartono Rri, Hartono “Sajuri”
  • Bonang: Mardi, Legiyo
  • Bonang Penerus: Marman
  • Gambang: Teja, Wakiyo
  • Gender Penerus: Minarto
  • Siter: Paimin, Joko Tipes, Ngahana
  • Suling: Giarto/Condhong Raos
  • Slenthem: Ripto
  • Peking: Herry
  • Gong: Hali, Prapto
  • Kenong: Kuat
  • Kethuk: Mulyono
  • Balungan: Paimin, Yanto, Cipt Ngasinah, Pahang, Joko Sabar, Kamto, Tukimin, Narso


  • Ki Purbo Asmoro (stayed very attentive through the whole klenengan this month—his level on interaction varies depending on other factors pulling his time away/guests, etc)
  • Darsono “edan”
  • Giarto/Fajar
  • Alan Feinstein, Bangkok/USA/Yogya
  • Jon Rea
  • Nana
  • Kaoru Serizawa, Solo/Tokyo
  • Hitomi, Osaka
  • Rachel Hand, England/Solo
  • Julia
  • Ibu Sumili/Holland
  • Pak Harto/Holland
  • Sujarwo Joko Prihatin
  • Nandar
  • Danis
  • Kamto
  • about 14 young Javanese students—ISI/Mangkunegaran, etc


We spent an even Rp 8,150,000 this month (=$905 at $1 = Rp 9,000). For the past few years I have kept the rate steady, because the rupiah has fluctuated a lot. It has been anywhere from Rp 8500 up through Rp 12,500, so it really depends on when I withdraw the funds—which are in US dollars and I withdraw from an ATM in Solo. If the rate continues to be in the 11,500 range where it is now for more months to come, I’ll adjust this rate, but right now it is still probably all evening out.