Year 10, #3

28 January 2011
Home of Bp. Saguh Hadirahardjo, in Pakis, Delanggu

On Friday, 28 January, we had the third klenengan in the TENTH fiscal year of Klenèngan Pujangga Laras. It was held at the home of Bp. Saguh Hadirahardjo, in Pakis, Delanggu. It started at 8:00 pm and lasted through to 2:00 am.

Pak Saguh set all the gendhing, and used entirely his own musicians for this klenèngan. He chose to do mostly Nartosabdo pieces. Pak Saguh is a major musical figure in the greater Solo area, and has been for over half a century, but he runs events in his own neighborhood—as well as being a dhalang and for many years the gendèr player for Ki Purbo Asmoro. Hence Pak Saguh very rarely has had the time to attend Pujangga Laras in Solo proper, and we wanted this opportunity to involve him as a musician in the Pujangga Laras history of recordings.

—Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta

Acara Gendhing

Gd. Bn Semarang Ldr. éling-éling, pl nem

(kd: Saguh)

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Ldr. Wilujeng sl manyura

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Gd. Kembang Mara kt 2 kr mg 4, pt jugag ngelik

rb: Darsono

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Gd. Pujangga kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj Ldr. Sobrang, pt Kedhu, sl nem

rb: Darsono

(garap koor Semarangan)

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Gd. Génjong Guling kt 2 kr mg Ldr ktmpn Ktw, pt Lasem, pl nem

rb: Darsono

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pt manyura jugag, Bawa Pocung (Hartono) dhawah Ldr. Puji Maya dados Lanc Mikat Manuk-Mikat Podhang-Srabi Solo

rb: Darsono

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pt pl nem jugag, Bawa (Mulyono) dhawah Ldr. Maskentar dados Ldr Sidamukti-Langgam Mèh Rahina-langgam Ngimpi (in 3/4, pl nem, not the Ki Mujoko Ngimpi)

rb: Jungkung
kd II: Mulyanto

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Ktw Gd Sumedhang Kébar kt 2 kr mg Ldr Gonjang-ganjing “Liktho” ktmpn Ktw Cakrawala mawi selingan Mulwa Rengka, sl sang

rb: Darsono
kd: all Pak Saguh

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Jineman Adu Manis, pl nem (Yayuk)

Jineman Kenya Melathi, pl nem (Rusiyati) dados Srepeg mawi palaran Durma (Rusiyati), Pangkur Macapat (Hartono), Durma (Nuk), Maskumambang (Mulyono, Yayuk) dados Srepeg, pl nem

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Lagu Jangkung Nini Thowok, sl sanga

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Pt jugag, pl barang Bawa (Mulyono) dhawah Gd. Loro-loro Gendhong kt 2 kr mg Ldr Loro-loro Topèng (vokal selingan Ilir-ilir) dados lagu Sawang-sawangan dados Ayak-ayak, pl barang

rb: Darsono

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Musicians Attending

We weren’t able to get everyone’s name who was playing, but I jotted down the ones I knew, and gave some references for those of you familiar with this very famous and extended family.

  • Kendhang Gendhing (except when noted): Mulyanto (Pak Karno, alm,’s son)
  • Ciblon: Saguh Hadirahardjo
  • Rebab: Darsono Hadirahardjo (Darsono “cilik”), Jungkung Darmoyo
  • Gender: Bambang Siswanto
  • Sindhen: Yayuk Triyagan, Rusiyati, Nuk (Ki Jungkung’s wife), Arum (Bu Sempruk’s daughter)
  • Gerong: Hartono (Pak Sajuri’s son), Mulyono Hadirahardjo, Giarto (Pak Sajuri’s brother)
  • Bonang: Subandi (bonang player for Ki Nartosabdo, Ki Mujoko, Ki Purbo Asmoro)
  • Peking: Gathot (pak Timbul’s younger brother, player with Ki Nartosabdo, Ki Mujoko, and now drummer for Ki Joko édan)
  • Gong: Daladi (played with Ki Anom Suroto for years, came to USA in 1991)
  • Kenong: Timbul (player with Ki Nartosabdo, then Ki Mujoko, then Ki Purbo Asmoro)
  • Balungan: Danang (Ki Jungkung’s little brother)


  • Phil Acimovic, USA
  • Rachel Hand, UK
  • Bryan Camphire, USA
  • Hitomi, Osaka, Japan
  • Sujarwo Joko Préhatin


We spent Rp. 6,000,000 , or $674 (Rp.8,900= $1), as we simply gave Pak Saguh a set amount, and he arranged everything.