Year 10, #2

15 January 2011
Home of Ki Purbo Asmoro, Gebang, Kadipiro, Solo

On Saturday 15 January 2011, we had the second klenengan in the TENTH fiscal year of Klenèngan Pujangga Laras. It was held in Ki Purbo Asmoro’s brand new pendhapa and house, near his older home in Gebang, Kadipiro, Solo. It started at 8:00 pm and lasted through to 2:30 am. This was the very first time that there was an event held in Ki Purbo’s new home/pendhapa, so the klenèngan served also as a house-warming for the new home he has been planning and building for a number of years.

Everyone highly praised the self-designed home newly built, as well as the exquisite workmanship. But there was a unique event—not to be forgotten. During dinner, suddenly everyone heard a splash and it turned out that poor Bp. Rajiman (Mangkunegaran musician who often plays peking or balungan) had fallen into the swimming pool in the back of the pendhapa. (see photos of the pool). Not an event to be forgotten, but poor Pak Rajiman was soaked up to his neck and elected to just go home rather than wear the change of clothes that was brought out for him. Among the foreign community, we decided that this would be a “must” event everytime PL is held at Ki Purbo’s new home—someone must fall in the pool. We’ll see....

—Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta

Acara Gendhing

Ldr. Wilujeng, pl lima

kd: Hadi Soecipto
rb: Yadi
gd: Legiyo
bn: Wakidi

listen to audio

Gd. Téjaningsih kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ktw Maskumambang, pt ngelik jugag, pl lima

rb: Yadi
gd: Darsono “cilik”
kd: Wakidjo
gb: Wakiyo
bn: Legiyo

listen to audio

Gd. Udan Soré, kt 2 kr mg 4, gaya koor Semarangan, sl. nem

(same personnel)

listen to audio

Gd. Bondhan kt 4 kr mg Kinanthi kaseling Puspanjana kalj Ldr. Semang, pl nem

(same personnel but Djoko Tipes on gambang)

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Bawa (Iyasa) Meraknguwuh dhawah Gd. Pamekas Wudhar, kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr. Kembang Tanjung (ir wilèt) ktmp Ktw. Sinom Grandhèl, pt jugag, sl. sanga

rb: Harjito
gd: Darsono “cilik”
kd gd: Wakidjo
ciblon: Wakidi
gb: Wakiyo

listen to audio

Gd. Bondhèt Mataraman, kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr. Wirangrong, pt jugag, pl nem

gd: Saminto
kd gd: Wakidjo
cib: Darsono “cilik”
gb: Djoko Tipes
bn: Legiyo

listen to audio

(dinner break)

Jn. Uler Kambang, sl. sanga (Ratni), kendhang kalih (a request by Bp. Wawan’s student at ISI)

listen to audio

Jn. Mari Kangen, sl sanga (Yayuk “Sriwedari” and Warti)

kd: Wakidjo

listen to audio

Bawa (Widodo) Sastra Surendra dhawah Ktw. Gd. Sumedhang kt 2 kr mg Ldr. Kapidhondhong dados Ayak-ayak rangkep dados Srepeg mawi palaran Pangkur Paripurna (Parni), Dhandhanggula miring (Hartono S), Sinom Wenikenya (Sumini) dados Srepeg Mataraman mawi rambangan Dhandhanggula Mataraman (Warti Jatèn), Durma Mataraman (Iyasa), Kinanthi Mataraman (Ratni) dados Srepeg Mataraman, rangkep, pt jugag, sl. sanga

rb: Yadi
gd: Wakidjo
kd; Wakidi
gb: Wakiyo
bn: Legiyo

listen to audio

Bawa (Tukimin) Suraningsih dhawah Gd. Prawan Pupur kt 2 kr mg 4 dados Ayak-ayak Pamungkas, pl barang

rb: Yadi
gd: Wakidjo
kd: Kuat
gb: Djoko Tipes

listen to audio

The next klenèngan will be on Friday, 28 January, at the home of Bp. Saguh in Delanggu.

Musicians Attending

  • Kendhang: Hadi Sucipto, Wakidjo, Wakidi, Kuat
  • Rebab: Yadi, Harjito
  • Gender: Legiyo, Darsono, Saminto
  • Sindhen: Mulyani, Yayuk Triyagan, Yatmi, Parni, Wartini “Jatèn”, Tugini, Yayuk “SriWedari”, Harjutri, Warti, Sumini, Ratni
  • Gerong: Budi, Iyasa, Hartono (RRI), Hartono (Sajuri), Widodo, Parno, Tugimin
  • Bonang: Wakidi, Legiyo Sagimin
  • Bonang Penerus: Marman
  • Gambang: Wakiyo
  • Gender Penerus: Tulus
  • Siter: Joko Tipes
  • Suling: Mujiono
  • Slenthem: Ripto
  • Peking: Wardjina
  • Gong: Karman, Prapto
  • Kenong: Kuat, Minarto
  • Kethuk: Minarto
  • Balungan: Sutat, Minarto, Ngahana, Joko Sabar, Warjina, Rajiman, Sular, Pahang


  • Phil Acimovic, USA
  • Rachel Hand, UK
  • Charles, UK
  • Hitomi, Osaka, Japan
  • Miki Orita, Tokyo, Japan
  • Kaori, Japan
  • Purbo Asmoro
  • Mulyadi
  • Parjono
  • Dènni Harjito
  • a number of members of Ki Purbo’s gamelan troupe, Mayangkara, who did not play
    • Sri Joko Raharjo
    • Pujiono
    • Sapto
    • Kamto
  • Wawan
  • Joko Jarwo Prehatin
  • a few ISI students and recent graduates
  • a few neighborhood guests


We spent Rp. 7,320,000 , or $ (Rp.8,900= $822), and the klenèngan was quite full. ISI people were unable to attend, as it was the evening that Pak Panggah’s son was being married in Surabaya (the bride’s side of the family). Also, Gusti Benawa was performing, so a number of Kraton musicians who always play for him were unable to attend. But basically it was quite full.