Year 10, #1

26 November 2010
Home of Ibu Cendhani Laras, Baluwarti, Surakarta

On Friday, 26 November 2010, we had the first klenengan in the TENTH fiscal year! It was held at the home of Ibu Cendhani Laras (Mulyani) at Tam-taman IV, Baluwarti, in Solo; starting at 8:00 pm and lasting through to 2:30 am.

It was a very small gathering due to a number of last minute conflicts. There was a sharing session between ISI Denpasar and ISI Solo, including a Balinese gamelan competition, workshops between instructors in all departments of both ISI’s, and also preparations for various exams at ISI. So all ISI people were unable to attend and most all the students were otherwise occupied.

One new sindhèn came—Ibu Warti from Jatèn near Palur. She sings for Ki Tantut, Ibu Tantinah’s son.

There was also a Kraton event in Palembang, Sumatra and thus many Kraton people, including Bu Parni and others, were unable to attend. In addition it is only 10 days before the start of the Javanese month of Sura (a month of asceticism and no weddings) and so very busy with weddings and other work for musicians.

The interesting thing was though, it was one of the best klenengan we’d had in ages! There was an inexplicable energy, and everyone commented that it was very successful. I think it may have been in part from the gendhing chosen, which everyone was comfortable and familiar with, and also other factors like the space and the tuning of the gamelan.

Pak Mujiono was in charge of planning the gendhing.

—Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta

Acara Gendhing

Gd. Bn Okrak-Okrak, sl manyura

kd: Wakidjo
bn: Mardi

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Ldr. Éling-éling Badranaya, sl. manyura

rb: Mujiono
gd: Karno
kd: Wakidjo
gb: Priyo
bn: Mardi

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Gd. Kombang Mara, kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ktw. Barik’an , pt. ngelik jugag, pl 5

rb: Mujiono
gd: Karno
kd: Wakidjo
gb: Wakiyo
bn: Sagimin

(Barik’an is a ketawang played specifically for the Javanese month of Sura, and the text pronounces blessings for safety, health, protection. There’s debate as to when it was written, but it is somewhat new—maybe from the 1970’s, maybe earlier, and some say by members of RRI Solo in the 60’s-70’s.)

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Gd. Damarkèli kt 4 kr mg 8, pt manyura ageng, sl. nem

Played in wayang style, which means for use in the scene called kedhatonan, and specifically for the kingdom of Astina. The Queen’s servants Cangik/Limbuk enter during the mérong which is truncated and played kt 2 kr first—just first and final kenongan. Then it goes to the ngelik (back to kt 4 kr version) and there would be a description of Queen Banowati during the sirepan, then on to the inggah.

rb: Mujiono
gd: Karno
kd: Wakidjo
gb: Priyo
bn: Mardi

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Gd. Logondhang kt 2 kr mg Ldr. Éling-éling Kasmaran ktpm Ktw Gondhang Kasih (by the late Bp. Sunarto Ciptosuwarso of RRI Solo, pak “Cipt”) dados Kemuda mawi Cucurbiru (x2), pt jugag, pl 5

Cucurbiru was played in wayang style as well; as it’s used for the troop departure scene (budhalan), and specifically for when a single soldier is depicted mounting a horse (jaranan.)

rb: Mujiono
gd: Karno
kd gd: Wakidjo
cib: Wakidi
gb: Wakiyo
bn: Sagimin

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(dinner break)

Gd. Majemuk kt 2 kr mg 4, suwuk gropak, ada-ada girisa (Widodo) dados Srepeg Pinjalan mawi palaran Gambuh (Warti Jatèn, Iyasa), Asmaradana miring (Mulyani) dados Srepeg rangkep-Ayak-ayak, pt jugag, sl nem

rb: Mujiono
kd: Wakidjo
cib: Wakidi
gb: Priyo
bn: Mardi

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Ktw Gd Sumedhang kt 2 kr mg Ldr. Kapidhondhong, pt jugag

rb: Mujiono
gd: Karno
kd: Wakidjo
gb: Wakiyo
bn: Sagimin

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MULYARARAS dedicated to artists who all passed away in the past 10 days:

  • Ibu Tantinah, famed sindhèn from Cèpèr Kurung, Klaten, sang with Ki Nartosabdo
  • Ki Panut Dharmoko, elderly dhalang from Nganjuk
  • Bp. Minarno, musician from Giriwana, Wonogiri but lived in Kertèn, Solo, teacher at Konsèr in the 70’s and taught throughout the 80’s at the Indonesian Embassy in Washington, DC

A short speech by Bp. Iyasa, penggerong, followed by:

Gd. Gambirsawit kt 2 kr mg 4, pt jugag

rb: Mujiono
gd: Karno
kd: Wakidjo
gb: Priyo

(in gadhon style, meaning no bonang and no balungan, no sindhen either—or very, very soft sindhenan; played with the lights out and everyone’s mind focused on the ones who have passed away)

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(dinner break)

Jineman Uler Kambang, sl 9 (Warti Jatèn)
Jineman Mari Kangen, sl 9 (Warti)
Jineman Mari Kangen, sl 9, rangkep (Warti)

gd: Sular
kd: Wakidjo (Uler Kambang and first Mari Kangen), Kuat (2nd Mari Kangen)
gb: Priyo

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Bawa Padma Kusuma (Iyasa) dhawah Gd. Mudhatama kt 2 kr mg Ldr Mudhatama kalj Ktw Sinom Wenikenya Rog-Rog Asem dados Srepeg Mataraman mawi rambangan Pangkur (Mulyani) Dhandhanggula (Hartono “S”)- Srepeg Mataraman, pt jugag

(Pak Mujiono has a very special garap for Mudhatama, which he was trying to lead from the rebab—playing and signaling to the kendhang and then to the gerong. We recorded it once before with Pak Mujiono on kendhang, and a similar thing happened—him trying to explain from kendhang what the rebab and gerong should do. Probably the best thing is for us to ask him to try again, this time explaining the garap before we start!)

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Gd. Bang-Bang Wétan kt kr mg Ldr. Jongkèri, sl manyura, andhegan Megatruh

(also played a little as in wayang style—with buka gendèr and a sirepan, but then going to Jongkèri complete with andhegan)

Ayak-ayak Pamungkas, sl manyura

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Musicians Attending

  • Kendhang: Wakidjo, Wakidi, Kuat
  • Rebab: Mujiono
  • Gender: Karno, Sular
  • Sindhen: Mulyani, Tugini, Yayuk “SriWedari”, Warti, Sumini, Warti “Jatèn”
  • Gerong: Iyasa, Hartono (RRI), Hartono (Sajuri), Widodo, Parno
  • Bonang: Mardi, Sagimin
  • Bonang Penerus: Marman
  • Gambang: Priyo, Wakiyo
  • Gender Penerus: Minarto
  • Siter: Joko Tipes
  • Suling: Kuat
  • Slenthem: Ripto
  • Peking: Wardjina
  • Gong: Karman, Prapto
  • Kenong: Hali
  • Kethuk: Jarwo
  • Balungan: Minarto, Ngahana, Joko Sabar, Warjina, Rajiman, Sular


  • Phil Acimovic, Cambridge, MA, USA
  • Rachel Hand, UK
  • Dave, UK
  • Hitomi, Osaka, Japan
  • Miki Orita, Tokyo, Japan
  • Kaori, Japan
  • another Japanese student I didn’t know
  • Marie-Laure, France
  • Mulyadi
  • Danis


We spent Rp. 6,340,000 , or $ (Rp.8,890= $713).