Year 10, #4
11 March 2011 On Friday 11 March 2011, we had the fourth klenengan in the TENTH fiscal year of Klenèngan Pujangga Laras. It was held at the home of Ki Purbo Asmoro in Gebang, Kadipiro, Solo. It started at 8:00 pm and lasted through to 2:30 am. And come to think of it, it was a very calm klenèngan....maybe the first in a long time that I have nothing to say special or unusual about it! And no one fell in the pool like last time. Pak Wakidjo was the one to set the first four gendhing. —Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta Acara GendhingLdr. Wilujeng, sl. manyura
kd: Wakidjo Gd. Kaduk Manis kt 2 arang mg 8 kalj Ldr Siyem, pt jugag, sl nem
rb: Yadi
(by Wirowiyaga IV, gendhing Dhandhanggula)
rb: Yadi (The first time around the sindhènan should have already been using dhandhanggula text and maskentar/subasiti cengkok, but no one had given any clarification, and even the most clever of sindhèn would have had a hard time guessing that aspect of the gendhing. Once it came around to the second cyclic repetition, mas Wakidi went over and whispered “maskentar” in Bu Yayuk’s ear, after which she knew exactly what to do.) Gd. Daludag kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj Ldr. Raranangis ktmpn Ktw Tèplèg, pt wantah, sl sanga
rb: Yadi Gd. Imo-Imo kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj Ldr Ngèsthi-Laras dados Kemuda (vokal “dampyak2) dados Ktw Mijil Kethoprak (Mulyani) mawi palaran Dhandhanggula (Yatmi, Hartono “Sarjuri”), Durma (Yayuk SriW), Asmaradana (Widodo) dados Srepeg Mataraman rangkep (mawi salahan), pl 6
rb: Yadi Mulyararas to commemorate the passing of Bp. Wardjino, a member of Pujangga Laras since its inception, and balungan player at Sri Wedari (announcement on recording is by Widodo) Gd. Gambirsawit kt 2 kr mg 4, sl sanga
Jineman Uler Kambang, sl manyura (Parni) Gd. Kuwung-Kuwung kt 2 kr mg 4, sl many, molak-malik pl barang dadso Ayak-ayak Mijil Larasati, pl barang
rb: Raji Musicians Attending
BudgetWe spent Rp. 7,480,000 , or $859 (Rp.8,700= $1), and the klenèngan was quite full. |