Year 12, #4

1 July 2013
Home of Ki Purbo Asmoro, Sanggar Seni Mayangkara, Gebang, Kadipiro, Surakarta

On Monday, 1 July 2013, we had the FOURTH klenengan in the 12th year of Pujangga Laras. It was held at the home of Ki Purbo Asmoro, Gebang, Solo. It started at 8 pm, and ended at 1:30 am.

The pieces had been set by two subscribers of the Pujangga Laras community currently living in Solo: Phil Acimovic and Jon Rea.

The klenengan was a bit light on the sindhen side, as Ibu Yatmi had a family event she had to attend, Ibu Yayuk had a rehearsal for an ISI exam she was singing in, and Ibu Parni was ill.


We are very sorry to report that Bapak Wakidjo is not doing well physically—has been diagnosed with advanced lung disease as well as an inflamed liver. He actually literally hesitated to attend due to all the second-hand smoke he knew he would be exposed to, but in the end was able to up until about 11:30 pm when he went home.

Because of both Pak Wakidjo’s illness and many other musicians who have health issues (it’s a group with a history of lung problems, strokes and brain aneurysms) we have decided to no longer supply the musicians with free cigarettes. Instead, starting next klenengan, we will add Rp 15,000 to each envelope (the cost of a pack of cigarettes). This is also more fair, as the female singers and non-smoking musicians never got this “benefit”. It will be slightly more expensive for us, but only slightly (about $35/klenengan more expensive, depending on participants).

We will also encourage the musicians to smoke only in between pieces and if possible away from the pendhopo area. (We tried this at the July 1 klenengan and it DIDN’T go so well, but we will keep encouraging it anyway. Neither of our routine hosts—Ki Purbo Asmoro/Pak Panggah—smoke, and both encourage this new policy.)

We would also encourage all subscribers who have the opportunity to attend the klenengan in the future to please support this policy.

—Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta

Acara Gendhing

Gd Maraséba kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj Ldr Sri Katon, wilèt, pathetan jugag, pl barang (chosen by Phil and Jon)

rb: Saptono
gd: Kamso
kd: Yadi
pn: Wakidjo
bn: Legiyo
gb: Wakiyo

listen to audio

Gd Talimurda kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj Ldr Kandhamanyura, pathetan jugag, sl manyura (chosen by Pak Wakidi)

rb: Saptono
gd: Kamso
kd: Yadi
pn: Wakidjo
bn: Legiyo
gb: Wakiyo

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Gd Sambul Gendhing kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj Ldr Semang, pathetan jugag nyamat, pl nem (chosen by Phil and Jon)

rb: Saptono
gd: Kamso (for pl barang switch Darsono “cilik”)
kd: Yadi
ciblon: Wakidi
bn: Mardi
gb: Wakiyo
gd pn: Minarto (for pl barang switch Darsono “edan”)

listen to audio

Gd Lara-lara kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr Subasiti dados Ayak-ayak rangkep mawi palaran Pangkur Paripurna (Wartini), Dhandhanggula Temanten Anyar (Iyasa), Sinom Wenikenya (Warti), pathetan jugag, sl sanga (chosen by Phil and Jon)

rb: Darsono “cilik”
gd: Kamso
kd: Yadi
ciblon: Wakidi
bn: Legiyo
gb: Wakiyo

listen to audio

(break for dinner)

Jineman Sarkara, pl barang (Mulyani, x2)

listen to audio

Bawa (Iyasa) dados Langgam Ngujiwat

listen to audio

Ldr. Pangkur Tanjung Gunung dados Ldr Pangkur (biasa), pl barang malik sl manyura (chosen by Phil and Jon)

rb: Kamso
gd: Darsono “edan”
kd: Wakidi
gb: Wakiyo
bn: Mardi

listen to audio

Gd Genes kt 2 kr mg Ldr Sri Kaloka dados Ayak-ayak Pamungkas, sl manyura

rb: Kamso
gd: Darsono “edan”
kd: Sujarwo Joko Prehatin
gb: Wakiyo
bn: Mardi

listen to audio

Musicians Attending

  • Kendhang: Yadi, Wakidjo, Wakidi, Jarwo
  • Rebab: Saptono, Darsono “cilik”
  • Gender: Kamso, Darsono “cilik”, Darsono “edan”
  • Sindhen: Mulyani, Wartini, Sumini, Warti
  • Gerong: Iyasa, Parno, Widodo, Wakidi
  • Bonang: Legiyo, Sagimin, Mardi
  • Bonang Penerus: Karno/Kraton, Marman
  • Gambang: Wakiyo, Joko Tipès
  • Gender Penerus: Minarto, Darsono “edan”
  • Siter: Joko Tipès, Ngahana
  • Suling: Cipt Ngasinah
  • Slenthem: Ripto
  • Peking: Herry
  • Gong: Hali, Prapto
  • Kenong: Kuat
  • Kethuk: Mulyono
  • Balungan: Yanto, Hadi Sucipto, Kamto, Tukimin, Narso, Sular


  • Phil Acimovic, USA
  • Jon Rea, USA
  • Nana
  • Jeong Yeong Hong, Korea/USA/Jakarta
  • Kaori, Japan
  • Rachel Hand, England
  • Samantha Brett, England
  • John Pham, USA
  • Dora, Hungary
  • Nora
  • Ruth and Gino, Holland
  • Michael, Queens College/NYC
  • Eran, California
  • Win, Makam Haji
  • Purbo Asmoro
  • Agus Andoko (local author of Indonesian novels based on wayang stories, happened to be there consulting with Ki Purbo)
  • Sigit, student, ISI
  • other ISI students x 6-7


At the klenengan we spent Rp. 7,300,000 or $811 (Rp.9,000= $1).