Year 12, #2

21 April 2013
Home of Ki Purbo Asmoro, Sanggar Seni Mayangkara, Gebang, Kadipiro, Surakarta

On Sunday, 21 April 2013, we had the SECOND klenèngan in the 12th year running of Pujangga Laras. The klenèngan was held at the home of Ki Purbo Asmoro at Sanggar Seni Mayangkara, in Gebang, Kadipiro, Surakarta. Bp Kamso was responsible for the gendhing.

(Unfortunately for this klenengan and the next one—Year 12 #3, 31 May 2013—and for the FIRST time in the 12-year history of Pujangga Laras—the records are totally lost. I don’t know what happened to my notes on who was there, pieces etc. So I just reconstructed a brief list of gendhing from the recordings. I didn’t take the time to listen all the way through to every piece, list the pesindhen, and try to guess all the instrumentalists by listening to their technique and patterns. I think that, considering it’s been 141 klenengan since the outset of Pujangga Laras and only these two records have been misplaced, we’ll just let it go, apologies! I remember that at the time I was trying to transition from handwritten records to digital ones, and for about 6 weeks, many of my jottings from all sorts of events were in fact in the end misplaced as I didn’t have an official book.

Also, my recording did not work out so I borrowed this from a student recording and the volume was very, very low.)

—Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta

Acara Gendhing

Gd Bn Pujangga Gandrung kt 4 kr mg 8, sl nem

listen to audio

Gd Kembang Mara kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr Playon, pathet wantah, pl lima

listen to audio

Gd Maskumambang kt 4 arang mg Randhamaya kt 8 kalj Ldr Kaki Tunggu Jagung (wilet), pathet jugag, sl nem

listen to audio

Pathet Jugag, pl nem, Bawa (Iyasa) dhawah Ktw Gd Sumedhang kt 2 kr mg Ldr Lompongkeli dados Ktw

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Gd Mawur kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj Ldr Sri Wibowo, pathet jugag, sl sanga

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Pathet Wantah, sl sanga
Gd Gambirsawit kt 2 kr mg 4, sl sanga

listen to audio

(break for dinner)

Buka gender, Gd Bang-bang Wetan kt 2 kr mg Ldr Jongkeri, pl barang

listen to audio

Ayak-ayak Mijil Larasati, pl barang


The total is estimated, given the other klenengan this year one can make an estimate, which is probably on the conservative side: We probably spent about $850.